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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by mikeredh24

  1. 1500 pally cape pls
  2. no need for kiel?
  3. can i have the silver knives,? :)
  4. Bump
  5. dude, you could tell me if youve backed out, you dont have to keep me waitin'.. lol
  6. Well they have the treasure box to begin with, but +1 to this tho,
  7. is this like every time you destroy a woe emp you get drops? or just for the winning guild?
  8. 1500 tokens pm me here or in game: JackofAllTrades11
  9. im buying a cape, pm me here
  10. leave IGN here or pm me
  11. someone did already, but genesis said nothin' was changed within GOH area, it's still what it was. darn kades, warps everytime, ended up us failin' the raid :( hahahahahaha
  12. d'ya really need to post it here?, why not file a ticket? lol,,
  13. Entry no.3 "Til death do us part" I love you so much babe, :) Happy Valentines day to you and everyone here in FRO!
  14. Entry no.2 "The Honeymoon" We'll have a blast and enjoy every minute together babe :) I will treat you like a queen :)
  15. Entry no. 1 "The Valentines Day Wedding" Happy Valentines Day babe :) I know you wanted to get married on Valentines day, and since we can't make it IRL on time, let's get married first here in FRO. I Love you so much babe! Edited due to merging >.< will post 2nd entry later I guess
  16. loko ka e, hirap ibenta nito >.< ahaahahaha pero ok lng dn skn new look nman haha
  17. What's on your mind?

  18. PM me in Game IGN: JackofAllTrades
  19. so what now???
  20. need toks thanks man
  21. leave IGN here or pm me . JackofAllTrades11
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