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nilo16 last won the day on November 15 2013

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  1. ANy UPDATES ON this ?
  2. make it into a offensive version of SA So instead of resistance boost attack power / matk Let it have a chance to maybe proc lex aterna 5%. Give it cloak like afk hat. Or make a new aura for the same at 60$ offensive type.
  3. Bump for some admin love :D
  4. That's what I said too if u change all to use bg gear then u can balance. But u can't allow a mix of normal like valk and Diablo and normal weapons with slots. Cause of the MVP cards. If u read my earlier post that was what i said. I specifically said bg gear is only balanced if every one has to use it.
  5. Also it will cause 2users with Maya to have bolts being reflected back and forth cause of how the game script works.
  6. ur probably right that tk/ ninja will be worst effected . My expertise is in GS hence I can easily explain with them.in context. Yes u say rifle has 4 slots but only problem is u can't use ur main skills with rifle.. So no rapid showers no desperado. Bg gear is only balanced if every one has to use it at fro. simply cause they are inferior to any normal +10wepon(4) with MVP cards. now if u disable MVP cards then u can balance it pure vanila style. cause a combo of thanatos ,VR,turtles incant samurai.not to mention whitesmith ,stormy knight etc Is very much more stronger and potent than bg gear so just using them in a 4 slotted wepon makes a huge difference. Ur right when u say as a six x losing ur offhand wepon4 cards makes a huge difference . Its basicly the same when u say a gunslinger should now use a 2slot wepin instead of 4 . Not to mention its a loss that's not caused due to equipibg a resist shield.
  7. Cause reflect damage is not calculated as physical or magic damage.its like a true damage I think it is also u affected by resistance of any kind. the game is designed like that i don't think it can be changed at all its also the reason u can't reflect back the original reflect damage .
  8. I do play Gs on normal servers still am active Let me say for a fact unless u out gear them u are not at all competitive against trans classes That's considering near equal skill lvls.I've been playing Gs for 5 yrs. im not sure what ur tAlking about.. Also comparing a 99/70 to fro is dumb Cause ok in 99/70 u put one tg ur damages goes up by a way lower amout than here So having 2 extra slots in a wepon at lvl 250 is huge huge huge difference Just try using a wepon with just 2 cards and one with 4 damage cards.. With any class ull see..what i mean
  9. Well when u play a gunslinger with no custom.items plus no access to trans gear irs a real pain Plus when ur best gun has 2slots only... U realize this is nt the reason I switched over from my other server to Play a more balanced gunslinger. Im.all in for bg but if u think ur balancing it by making it non custom that's not true. Yes u will always find ppl with gr8 skill that will rise even with handicap. But the idea is not to handicap a class. The main charm if this server to me are its customs. Thats what's keeping the balance. U tell me I farm out my custom gear but can't use it for the one thing I love the. Most its really pointless then. Woe is just a spam fest .. And not at all enjoyable pvp mostly. Duels gvg are fun bgs are the. Real fun if made properly. So if u gonna implement it should be unrestricted or u will find that u will struggle to find ppl and a ton of the same trans classes being used And the rest ignored. Trying throwing a kunai with a ninja normal weapon its really fun . :[
  10. I think using the right counter element makes a big difference .
  11. I think this might lead to more imbalance. Currently classes are been worked into balance assuming higher stars And the custom items. removing them will cause some major unbalance between classes. And then ppl will start asking for balancing around bg's and that's a duwnward slope. Just eg: snipers will lose use of shield, same for Gs who will also be left with only western outlaw only 2slots....also . not to mention valk/ Diablo gears are not equipable by non trans. This is just one can of worms that u do not want to open. Plus its more motivating for me to gear myself up for bg when I know I can actually use that gear. Do not restrict gear pvp for any game has and always will be gear and skill dependant. it's a formulae that works , so just make it un restricted. Ppl I assure u will gear up for it. New players like me will be more motivated to get gears to compete.
  12. For me it's all about playing something I njoy. I don't enjoy pve much at all a pvp bg would be gr8 do i spend time in game having fun . Instead of having to wait for pvp.. Or just random ganks, or having to go play Garena-League of legends for pvp action :D
  13. I like it and agree we do need some fun with daggers +1
  14. Probably cause u don't have the ws self buffs or cart termination skill.
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