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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by iHunt

  1. Everybody already congratulated Dani in game. Jason's always off. But, anyway, Happy Birthday to my best e-friends. : >
  2. iHunt


  3. Happy Bday, d00d!! Have a shell from Eilat. LOL
  4. iHunt


    We? You made me lol. ____________________ HEY JERE*FAG* <3 WB d00d
  5. You, moderators, are getting out of hand. A post has been nazified yet again. Me smoking a Cigarette!! NOT A POT!
  6. How is a picture of me with smoke coming out of my mouth illegal? Have you seen the actual "drug" in my picture? No. Then it shouldn't have been deleted. Protect our community? From what? Did I encourage anyone to smoke pot? Did I influence someone? No.
  7. I wasn't smoking pot, Icarus wrote it just for fun. It was actually a cigarette. Cigarettes aren't illegal. Why did you take it off anyway? Did it show the ACTUAL POT? No. It was smoke. Is smoke illegal? EVEN if it was from pot? No. Also, as geldaz said, smoking pot is illegal in real life. We're in a forum for christ's sake. This is getting too nazi. You are wrong and I demand an apology for taking my photo off for no reason.
  8. You are OLD. Eww <3

  9. LOL You sleep in the gym? :>
  10. It's not bout what you said, it's how you said it. @Nikki, I wasn't even talking to you. @Zack, ei men^^~ niec pic la^^~
  11. There's 13 candles. She's turning 19. LOL Happy b-day, Moonie :>
  12. Gay.
  13. iHunt


    Sarah Silverman - I'm Fucking Matt Damon. Sarah Silverman: Hey Jimmy…it’s me. I’m in ahh, a hotel…I don’t know I’ve been on the road so long I..I don’t even know what city I’m in any more to be honest. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and ahh, I’ve been needing to tell you something. I don’t know why I haven’t but it’s important, I mean we’ve been together for so long, over 5 years, and I still haven’t told you and it’s just not right, so here it goes... Sarah Silverman: I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: I’m sorry but it’s true Sarah Silverman: I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: I’m not imagining it’s you Sarah Silverman: I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: On the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door, in the tub, in the car, up against the mini-bar Sarah Silverman: I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: While you’re drinking diet Snapple Sarah Silverman: I said I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She said she’s fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: Hey Kimmel, how do you like them apples? Get it? ‘Cause, ’cause I’m talking about her breasts… Sarah Silverman: Yeah…it’s…it’s funny… Sarah Silverman: Hey Jim, don’t take it bad…Remember all the good times we had…Like the time we went fishing…And we caught a bunch of fish…Then you puked in the bucket…On the fish that we caught… Girls: Knock knock! Boys: Who’s that knocking at my door? Girls: Imefa! Boys: Imefa who? Girls: I’m fucking Matt Damon! Boys: She’s fucking Matt Damon! Sarah Silverman: Analyze! Everyone: F-U-C-K Matt D-A-M-O-N…I said F-U-C-K Matt D-A-M-O-N Sarah Silverman: I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: And you know that I ain’t lying Sarah Silverman: I said I’m fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: Ask The Insider’s Pat O’Brien The Insider’s Pat O’Brien: It’s true, The Insider has confirmed that she is in fact fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: [Remember when] Last week when I was playing Scrabble with you online, I was fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: [Remember when] You went back and forth to do your show and Regis and Kelly’s show, she was DEFINITELY fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: [Remember when] I told you I was fucking Matt Damon? I WAS fucking Matt Damon. Sarah Silverman: On the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door, in the tub, in the car, up against the mini-bar Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: She’s fucking Matt Damon Matt Damon: She’s fucking Matt Damon Sarah Silverman: I love L.A.! Sarah Silverman: So, that’s it…umm….I think I was clear? Matt Damon: No, you did great. Sarah Silverman: Oohh, it was okay. [laughs] Matt Damon: Pretty damn good. Sarah Silverman: Ummm, anyway…umm, you know, we had a great run Jim and ahhh, I hope there’s no hard feelings, I hope we can be friends. I’m friends with all my boyfriends, my old boyfriends. If anything isn’t clear or you need closure of some kind, please please call my publicist Amy Zvi at BNCPR. So take care Matt Damon: You know what? Stop right there….Jimmy we’re out of time…sorry. Sarah Silverman: [laughs] You are soo bad! Matt Damon: A little bit, let’s put that guitar down and go fuck Matt Damon…See ya Jimmy.
  14. Just because we're different doesn't mean I got no life. I got A LOT of free time, so I understand if you're jealous. And how can you assume I just sit and play computer all day? Do you know me? Do you ever see me? No. You don't see me AT ALL. Just because I am always in MSN doesn't mean I am always near the computer. You don't know shit bout me. So, please, instead of putting down someone else, go show off your busy busy life that no one gives a fuck bout. PS. And stop jerking off with your friends. Gross.
  15. What? Gross. MY life is simple: Wake up > School > Home > Sleep.
  16. LOL
  17. Kingdom LOLOLOLOL
  18. I farted. PS: Are you nuts? You mean when it was me, a Priest and 1 more person? It was 3vs1 and we had no choice but to gang you if any of us wanted to win. You're exaggerating. I don't even remember being with these people in the same LMS. LOL
  19. iHunt


    I hope Nathan dies!! He's such a douche. His character is so boring. flying man my ass. >: I heard Nathan's mother had super powers (ew) too. LOL And wtf? In season 2 they went to Odessa, Ukraine, but they showed Russia. ROFL. I laughed my ass off so hard. WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL, ASSHOLES?! It's a nice show and all, but I'm looking forward to Supernatural. @___@a
  20. I know that Moonie's been playing too much RO. She said 'Grrr' in ventrilo. D: ________________________________________________________________ You know you are addicited to RO when you can't find the chat box in real life.
  21. Mezri doesn't want us to reach 1,000, so she goes back in counting :x 391 is beyond sexy.
  22. Yey for the accent! We'll have to vent fo sho. PS. Whoa, quad post. :>
  23. I thought you were Australian. You don't look like an Aussie. :ph34r:
  24. Good luck with everything, Ami :> Take care and god bless
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