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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by iHunt

  1. iHunt

    Did you know?

    Happy Birthday!!!
  2. iHunt

    LOL no way! It's in December...

  3. iHunt

    Is it Christmas? LOL

  4. OH YEAH?

    Leopold 'Butters' Stotch >:)

  5. Eric Cartman. LOLOL

  6. I just found out not long ago that my favourite TV show as a child was brought back to life! I can't tell you how excited I am. I used to watch it when I was about 5 years old and I absolutely loved it. It was the best TV show then, it is the best TV show now. (Sorry The Amazing Race D:) So, what are your thoughts about it? Do you watch it regulary? Have you seen the original ones from 1989-1996? Who's your favourite Gladiator? Do you think you have what it takes to go against the Eliminator? I started downloading season 2 from Bittorent, because I can't watch it online. :( But it's worth it.
  7. iHunt

    Disaster Movie

    I just saw it yesterday. It was bad. The worst. It was so stupid and unlike any other parody, they used parodies on over 20 things. Not funny at ALL. There were only 2 funny moments for me from the entire movie. Anyway... Fail. I never thought they could get any worse after watching Meet the Spartans, but I guess I was wrong. EPIC FAIL. Don't even watch it.
  8. Tuer's stuff are the best: "SHUT U FUCK UP" LOLOL
  9. Looks exactly like the newest South Park episode.
  10. iHunt


    This topic sounds super srs to me. :X
  11. I don't get it, why should it be "illegal"?
  12. Religion plays a big part on peoples' views. I don't define it as 'Same sex marriage', it's always just 'marriage' for me. If somebody wants to get married, it's their decision and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't.
  13. .... MWUAHAHAHA... :devil:
  14. iHunt

    Happy halloween :D

  15. iHunt

    Happy Halloween!

    How much do candies weight?
  16. Hahaha! Happy Bday, jew. :D


  18. Nothing, I just hate him D:

  19. I fucking hate Hoogy. >_____>

  20. iHunt

    HAY GURL <3



  21. Happy birthday mi good men^^~

  22. iHunt

    Who's this pretty little thing on my radar? Ohhh, it's Dani. Hahah <3

  23. I'm not Nick anymore. I am Sheeqwanda Jackson - A big, proud, independant black woman. MHMM

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