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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by iHunt

  1. The meaning of life is- 42
  2. Granted, but then he rapes you with one of his bones. I wish there was no sun.



    Love that song.

  4. I will slap Gilgamesh 39000000000 times when he gets the courage to speak to me... Whereever he is.
  5. I have 36 fingers.
  6. I'm listening to silence. Time for school, kthxbai
  7. There are people that were born on 1932. I like this game. 8D
  8. My new dad's wife is 30 years old... or something.
  9. Granted.... Butter toast. I wish I had a dollar.
  10. Totally.
  11. iHunt


    Isn't Phobia = Irrational fear? Hating something or being 'slightly' scared of something doesn't mean you have a phobia. :l
  12. iHunt


    Acrophobia... I guess. I'm afraid of heights, but not to the point where you lose control and faint or some weird ass shit like that.
  13. [image removed]
  14. iHunt

    Hi v2.

    So... yeah.... Found this in class. PS. It was dead before I got there. :rolleyes:
  15. Improved wings. 8D (Although I kinda like the first ones better) And sorry, I don't do wings for random people. :3 But don't be sad.... Here, enjoy my tasty ice-cream. PS. All the things were made from silly hearts on the wall. 7 hearts were hurt during these stunt.
  16. iHunt


  17. Nice signature. ;)

  18. iHunt


    It's a HR (High Rate), so yes to all your questions. Everything can be found in Fcity @go25. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WIN A MVP CARD OF YOUR CHOISE, FOR YOU ARE OUR 7,000th MEMBER!!! ENJOY YOUR STAY AT FORSAKEN RAGNAROK ONLINE.
  19. I like Kittie's signature, cause it caught my eye and I like the text. So, I vote for Kittie's signature. I hope that's "good enough".
  20. Tick, tock, tick, tock

  21. Guilty. TPBM hacked once.
  22. iHunt


    Is this.... English?
  23. iHunt

    Top 3

    BOOHOO People Kids don't admire your 1337 internet skillz. *sad face*
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