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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by iHunt

  1. How did you know that my full name is Nick Pedo Phile? Amazing. TPBM is the number one fan of Mario.
  2. Nah. You will feel like shit on the next day, so it's not worth it. Moreover, you will most likely find yourself in your best friend's bed and be like, "OH SHIT! DID I TRY GAY SEX? FUCK ME". rofl (NO, IT DID NOT HAPPEN TO ME... The second part.) ROFL TPBM is blue. ;_;
  3. Doubt it. All the reviews are negative and it's just not 'effective' after the first one. TPBM likes to sing the Barbie song. 8D
  4. iHunt

    10 Days of Hell

    Well, of course I saw "niggas" on TV. Especially the Flavour of Love. But I think it's different irl than on TV.
  5. iHunt

    10 Days of Hell

    Haha! That shit is funny. I wouldn't know, because where I come from, there are no "black people" or "niggas".
  6. Smart 13 year old? That's why there is only 1 of those and a few thousand other kids. If all the kids were geniuses then our world would've been saved. :P Ro2 fails SO bad. o_o
  7. iHunt

    10 Days of Hell

    What kind of people would encourage you to smoke? Absurd.
  8. iHunt

    10 Days of Hell

    LIAR! A lot of our friends don't smoke.... Like, 99% of them. :0
  9. Everybody calls each other lifeless. Guess what, if YOU had a life, you wouldn't be sitting here arguing over grammar. So what if one has a bigger language variety? Does that mean the other person is stupid? Not at all. And Jewel, your profile says you're 22. You're 22 and you call a 14 year old an idiot. Real mature. As for the GM team, you're doing a fantastic job getting ignored by players. It just shows how much control and power does the GM team has here: none what so ever. Warn, delete flaming posts, BAN, do something other than being, like, "I told them <this> and <that>, my job's done here." Stop ressurecting the dramas of yesterday. If you want something exreme, go bungee jumping. If you want to release your anger, go run, simple as that. EDIT: My babies (Real ones): This one I caught at the Ukraine vs Israel match, my favourite's player t-shirt (orgasmic): This one I got from my ex-neighbour. I bet I could get 345748 more of those:

  11. And lose 3/4 the server? I don't think so. ;)
  12. I just effing love this guy!!!
  13. Crownless - Nightwish 8D
  14. iHunt

    10 Days of Hell

    I feel your pain. rofl!! Stupid school.
  15. Happy Birthday! You're one year closer to becoming an exchausted living being.

  16. ;)
  17. iHunt

    too too, too too too *poke*

  18. Blow Job lip pose? lol
  19. Where'd you go? :x

  20. iHunt

    Euro 2008

  21. Shake all that drama shitz and look at my adorable little brother. He is 7 months and 3 days.
  22. iHunt

    Top 3

    Why would you even answer this? Oh, I know, to boost your ego. This was the cause of most dramas few months ago, and I doubt anything's changed. STOP THE EGO
  23. Sorry to disappoint you, but Germany lost... Just as I predicted.
  24. Did you even watch the game? I don't think so.
  25. iHunt

    Euro 2008

    Germany 0-1 Spain, 88' minute. LOL, Israel could qualify for FIFA World Cup 2010. Hahah!!
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