Everybody calls each other lifeless. Guess what, if YOU had a life, you wouldn't be sitting here arguing over grammar. So what if one has a bigger language variety? Does that mean the other person is stupid? Not at all.
And Jewel, your profile says you're 22. You're 22 and you call a 14 year old an idiot. Real mature.
As for the GM team, you're doing a fantastic job getting ignored by players. It just shows how much control and power does the GM team has here: none what so ever. Warn, delete flaming posts, BAN, do something other than being, like, "I told them <this> and <that>, my job's done here."
Stop ressurecting the dramas of yesterday. If you want something exreme, go bungee jumping. If you want to release your anger, go run, simple as that.
EDIT: My babies (Real ones):
This one I caught at the Ukraine vs Israel match, my favourite's player t-shirt (orgasmic):
This one I got from my ex-neighbour. I bet I could get 345748 more of those: