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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by mutilixus

  1. I agree with those who says remove PK at Training Grounds,... instead put another Kafra and healer there and maybe some quest npc.. The only reason i see why people want to PvP there is because 15 is actually small compared to for_fild01, so why not make the field smaller (if possible) so we can all be happy and continue with our lives.
  2. ^ Well the pro has spoken... what can I say... haha sry for this nub suggestion :th_sry:
  3. I also suggest the use of dyestuffs to recolor some high-valued items like rings/ND rings... you know, for the benefit of the farmers :) because why not, they have rings so they're rich.. 10m or so won't make them any poorer :th_e4:
  4. I suggest having color options for the red glasses too.. and also can we make the Vote/Valk helms color closer to the colors of the clothes palette? I mean, white now is kinda white but it ain't close to the white color in the palette. And red, blue, pink, green, purple... I know you are staying away from making it look like ltd helms but more saturated red, blue, pink, green, purple won't hurt. OT> I know this is a bit irrelevant but since we're talking about sprites, can we add sprites for legendary weapons? It doesn't have to be as majestic as donate sprites but just to make it seem like their not punching the air every time they attack (pertaining to snipers *giggles*) That would be all, thanks :th_ok:
  5. omg, sensation when will you come back in-game...
  6. hahahaha
  7. Haha, this is what actually Snipers, Stalkers, Clowns/Gypsys, GS, and Ninjas are during WoE, just reloading seed but not ammo.
  8. This is why strategies are made. All spam-able skills can stun-lock anytime, it's just a matter of how you get away of that situation. Plus the "you can't do anything but to waste seeds or die" part is pure BS, Bio's skill range isn't that long for you to not make any retaliation if you are on the range class, so it's still a matter of how many seeds you can carry in a battle, which is in bio's case; not too many compared to other classes. Indeed. But still a disadvantage during a battle because you have to get to your inventory from time to time. I'm not saying they make all the ammo run out, I'm just making a situation comparison between bios and other ammo using classes that's why I used the word "imagine". Thanks for your insight tho. :th_ok:
  9. Hi fRO, Just pushing my luck here, I don't know if this has been brought up before so pardon me. I'm suggesting something about bio's ammunition. I've been playing fRO quite a while now and I'm still wondering why Snipers, Stalkers, Ninjas, and GS can carry 1 of each ammo (10 for GS) and use it forever without re-stocking while bios have to carry a lot of bottles and re-stock everytime. I mean, I see no harm in making bios' ammo unlimited too... First of all, no one farms bottle grenade and acid bottles because it is available in the mall so no one would be affected economically by making bottles unlimited. Another thing is, I personally see this (carrying a lot of bottles) as a disadvantage to bios because it decreases their space for seeds and fcp bottles... yes, bios have carts but it can only carry much, and yes, bottles weighs 1 a piece but so does element stones and shurikens, and arrows (even lighter with 0.1/0.2 a piece), and bullets with 0.2/0.5. Plus, having to buy bottles from time to time is a waste (1k of each bottle costs 760k). Imagine Snipers carrying 500 arrows and has to re-stock arrows every *damn* time (take note that they need more than one arrow element) I bet they would complain about seed space too. Or GS running out of bullets in the midst of a fight because they consume 10 bullets per desperado. Think of the same for bios too. With that being said, please consider my suggestion of making Acid Bottles and Bottle Grenades unlimited (or at least make it weigh zero, if making it unlimited is too much to ask, which I doubt.) Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks and I hope you consider this suggestion plausible. *edit: reduced cursing, and more reasoning :th_sry:
  10. Well, I've been gone for quite a while... How's this for a comeback? Incantation Samurai
  11. is the quest still available?
  12. I feel like we should bring the price of this RS down to $10, you know...because it's effects are nerfed, so unless we revamp this to make it better than the quest items, I suggest we lower the price of it in the donate shop... :th_wink:
  13. Sry for the suggetion about emoticons but srsly...we need these emoticons in-game :th_glare: :th_blush: :th_sick: :th_ew: :th_swt3: because they're nice and these too :th_wow: :th_meow: :th_wink: hahahah especially the :pvp: emoticon :D so useful xD
  14. Hmmm.. I suggest having an NPC to buy MVP and Mini-MVP cards only (except Thana) but would be in a lower price compared to the market, in that case the server can preserve MVP card prices (since MVP cards today seems to be in a decent and affordable prize mainly because of MVP Invasion Hour :th_bawi: ) Example: TG in the market is 45 NPC buys it let's say...40 when OP seller sells it at 50, you can just simply slap it onto his digital face and tell him "Go sell it to the NPC or make it rot in your storage... :th_gg: " (ofc, except when it's rush :th_e4: ) and vice-versa... when a low balling shiet tries to buy it at 40 you can just spit it to his pixel face that "This is business, If I wanted to sell this for 40, I shouldn't have wasted 1m for broadcasting and just sell it straight away to the NPC :th_e5: " The only downside I see is that it will kill the 'Buy and Sell' strategy of other players (but that's the main cause of OP selling w/c makes the economy worse! :th_e1: ) just to be clear, the NPC will just determine the SUGGESTED retail price and not dictate the ceiling price...the economy of our server still lies in our hands...the NPC can just do enough but still if we buy and sell fair enough we can balance our economy between burning and producing tokens... Anyways, this NPC I suggest will prolly get rid of some MVP cards that are prolly rotting in your storage like Dracula card, Beelzebub card, Mistress card, Drake card, Eddga card, Detale card, Garm card, Ktullanux card, Moonlight Flower card, Osiris card, Pharaoh card... erm.. did I miss something? :th_swt3:
  15. Welp, I suggest that ppl who change their IGNs should be broadcasted like when some players undergo marriage... The server announces it...and then the history of name changes will be stored within the CPanel accts. And ofc, this suggestion will be another source to burn tokens since we can't allow it to be free to avoid abuse and name change spams... I suggest maybe a bit costly than the sex change i recon...erm 20 tokens?? besides the main target of this is the rich ones since they're prolly the ones who gets bored...
  16. I see many NPCs in our server w/ darn cool hair! why can't we use those hair do's hahahaha
  17. Yes, better than the cooked ones because of the Ingredients, ppl who make Stat foods find a hard time making bulk Stat Foods because of the time it takes to gather all the ingredients, not to mention the server not implementing multiple @alootid
  18. waw. rly nice seeing TK/SG suggestions being raised every once in a while, I rly hope this will be implemented this time around. Because when I did my suggestion about TK/SG L.Weaps, the nearest thing I came close to Implementation is GM Vera's "Sounds Good :)" comment and then yeah...nvr got implemented... anyway, let's push this through... who knows, we might be seeing L.TK/SG Weaps in the BC section sooner or later... ... I think they still need hit, because they're not always on Union because Profs hate SG on Union...oh, and most ppl wear VR card now so most of the times when fighting against DPS players more often the not, they will be dispelled unless they have GTB on but that would be very disadvantageous in terms of damage redux :) just sayin'
  19. Let's go with this one... Let's make the forums exciting not seasonally but monthly~
  20. Well, i think this has some disadvantage because there are times that the bot check bugs (bot check appears but shows no words to type) and the only solution is to re-log w/c will cost you your chance on getting Thanatos card. If it is true that there are bugs in Thana Room, I'm sure Gen will find a way on how to fully disable the bots on the server, but for now, whether there's a bot or not, Thana campers should make double efforts on keeping track of their time in order to get higher chances of entering the room.
  21. Oldies here... ~• Fox •~ here just chillin' in my little fireplace at fcity :)
  22. Granted, but you will not know it because the Future you isn't allowed to tell you that you have done time travelling in the future because it will ruin your future. I wish the wish you wish the wish to wish.
  23. I hope the players move on their own and not pass the responsibility all to Genesis. We all know that updating code from time to time is hard so let's not put it all on our coder's shoulder. How about we just take it all on ourselves not to put pub near NPCs which are on the grass area. Show some discipline because we all benefit from it.
  24. At long eff-in LAST :D this is finally implemented~
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