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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Icarus

    This or that

    Sex FTW ^.^ Me being a Nazi or me being or a Homicidal Maniac? ^.^
  2. No >_> TPBM Loves Schrodinger *Points at Siggy*
  3. Icarus


    How the hell did we got from E-Love to Emo stuff? xD To stay on both topics:
  4. Heya =D

    I'm good,how r ya doing? ^.^

  5. I don't play RO anymore =]

  6. Post picture of them so we can know how they look like =]
  7. Yes my new teacher :rolleyes:
  8. I see a predator in the jungle :ph34r:
  9. No picture? =[
  10. I thought it would be cool to share your favorite anime character with others lol This is my most favorite character of all; Schrodinger from Hellsing OVA =] Now post yours ^^
  11. Yeah,I like my desktop to be clean ^.^ I created a special file where I putted all my programs in,guess witch one is it?xD
  12. My new Desktop ^.^ Do you like how I organize my icons? =3
  13. Don't be afraid of being mexican,we won't hurt you....much.
  14. Mexican?
  15. False,I'm at home incredibly bored xD TPBM Loves Mad TV P.S: Go Team White Bread!!!!
  16. Well,thats life =]
  17. I just sleep and talk during classes xD
  18. Its Icarus ^^

    The Madness of Forsaken RO forums >=]

  19. Icarus


    But when I searched for this pic gain,it it deleted XD
  20. Icarus


    Today when I was searching for Motivational Poster on Photobucket it gave me a Furry hentai,I was like: "Damn,that hot O_O"
  21. More like an evil mastermind in a big chair style XDDDDD
  22. Awesome pics Yusuke!!!!! Love the one where your reading in the air xD The only position you'll ever find me siting is like the Major from Hellsing lol Kinda like this:
  23. Wish granted without corruption,I miss Tarja Turunen =[ I wish Nightwish would make a new album with Tarja Turunen
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