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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Go Nitemare!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup_anim:
  2. A proof of your ignorance: I didn't played the game for 6 month already and when I did,I was an MVP hunter and never entered PVP XDDDDDDDDD
  3. Icarus


    Welcome to Forsaken RO :thumbsup_still: Hope you'll have fun here =]
  4. I completely agree with you DeAmascus,you forgot to mention people who get easily offended over small things and then start a drama over some bullshit. Forget Thi@go,he is just an immature dick who thinks only about himself and does not respect anyone.
  5. Morning =^.^= *Meow*

  6. Icarus


    Is that Britney's Spears great grandmother? XDDDDDDD
  7. SURE!!!!!! =D
  8. You people are no fun :shiftyeyes_anim:
  9. Why is that? :crying_anim02:
  10. Icarus


    Battleon= Instant Fail
  11. [less about suicide k <3]
  12. When will someone post a naked pic of themselves? >.>
  13. I'm not really sure,I just love how it sounds XDDDD

  14. I wanna see your picture QQ

  15. Icarus

    The Beer Song

    Still,theres almost nothing better then a cold glass of Beer =D
  16. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Nope Have you ever don "Snowball"?
  17. Icarus

    [C&C] Signature

    Hellsing!!!!!!!! =D 1/10 :thumbsup_anim:
  18. Willkommen to Forsaken RO :laughingsmiley: Hope you'll enjoy being here =]
  19. Icarus


    Where can I get Syler's Lunch Box and T-Shirt?
  20. Just like I always say: Hair style is everything XDDDD BTW,you don't look Philippine in the last pic,you look more like Mexican/Cuban LOL
  21. Icarus


    The thing in this season is that Good Guys become bad and Bad Guys become good =l And Claire is such a biatch in the future >______>
  22. Oh I can help you with that :evil:
  23. YAY!!!! =D

    Now all I need to do is work like hell for 5 month to get the ticket XD

  24. Icarus

    Have you ever?

    Not really lol Have you ever considered kissing the same sex as you? >.>
  25. Can I take a shower at your place? QQ

    I'm still out of water X_X

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