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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Almost all foxes got that kind of tale lol BTW,what kind of tattoo did you get?
  2. Its a FOX!!! Cats don't have that kind of tales :P Also,I got this picture when I was searching for foxes XDDDDD
  3. Actually thats a fox xD But I love cats too <3
  4. My mom said that I may get a tattoo ONLY if I'll get the money myself and shes really against it >__> I want this kind of tattoo:
  5. I want a tattoo so badly /sob
  6. I'm extremely bored right now so I thought about this topic /heh Tell us how others see you in school,what do you usually do during breaks and all that kind of stuff that related to the topic =] In my class people see me as the perverted and the insane/evil guy,you'll usually find me playing cards with Nick and other friends during break or hanging out under our tree where my friends smoke.There aren't a lot of people that hate but there are,they're mostly those from science class(Smartass motherfuckers xD). I almost never gets into a fights but if someone tries to start a fight with me then people from my class calms him down and tells him to leave me alone. Thats it for now,I'll write more stuff later cuz I'm kinda tired right now lol
  7. Nice hair!!!! /no1
  8. How come on one comes to vent? /sob
  9. You know you're addicted to RO when you think your teacher is a lvl 255/255 MVP
  10. Wish granted and you got the stylish shoes from the 10th Century ^^ I wish I had Leather Gloves
  11. Wish granted but now your finger look like a penis lol I wish I had a High Army Rank QQ
  12. Mebbe TPBM Loves furry stuff >.>
  13. Icarus

    This or that

    Straight Black or Brown hair?
  14. Who loves Orange Soda?Icarus loves Orange Soda /rice TPBM Likes Cheese Cake
  15. Can you hump 405 times?
  16. Girl: I love you. Guy: LOLZ
  17. Is 403 an instrument?
  18. Icarus


    Once again,your no fun /pif
  19. Icarus


    And if I'll censor it? Q.Q
  20. I'm serious,you should try to become an official Forsaken artist =]

  21. Your art is always awesome =3

  22. Looking good Ayre ^.^ Your friend kinda reminds me a cute sub teacher that we had last year lol
  23. Your not the only one ;)
  24. Icarus

    Pickup for Oath.

    The siggy looks really awesome but the avatar is crappy,still nice ^^
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