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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Enenra

  1. Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! Check out the Getting Started guide for some useful information on the basics of the server. If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to PM any of the GMs or stop by the help desk in-game. Have fun! :)
  2. Please file a bug report in the Tickets System, include screenshots of you wearing the card and not wearing the card with your stats open to show it has no effect. Also make sure you aren't already at max ASPD (195) as it will have no effect then. Edit: Solved.
  3. There is not.
  4. Hey there, check out this quote from another thread regarding the same question. Let me know if you get it figured out. :)
  5. Yes, 4 Silver Kiels will stack. However if you are wearing 3 normal Kiels, not even 1 Silver Kiel will work.
  6. They are delivered by Genesis himself or you can pick them up yourself in-game if you are online when he is available. To speed up the process you can add him on any of the contact methods below: AIM rosefox305 MSN [email protected] Website URL http://forsaken-ro.net Yahoo jorgeluisf350 Skype jorgeluisf350
  7. No, activity tokens cannot be earned while vending.
  8. Did you look at the links in the posts above yours?
  9. Silver Kiel Cards will not work if you have 3 normal Kiel Cards in your headgear. The combinations of 3 Silver Kiels + 1 normal Kiel or 2 Silver Kiels + 2 normal Kiels will both work, but 1 Silver Kiel + 3 normal Kiels will not. The maximum amount of Kiels you can use is 3, meaning 90% after-cast reduction.
  10. Since this is more of a suggestion than you needing help (we cannot exactly help you with this), I will move this to the Suggestions forum. In case anyone does not understand, the player is asking to have the weight of the Volcano Armors lowered for players farming so they can collect zeny easier.
  11. I believe it is something on your end, I have not experienced any significant lag with the server recently.
  12. I think that this would affect the market for Kiel Cards in undesired ways. As well as what Amicable said, players could just remake their characters to abuse this. Personally I would find this more problematic than helpful, especially since Silver Kiels already serve the purpose you are asking for these for (to help new players).
  13. Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO! Check out the Getting Started guide for some great information on the basics of the server. If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact a GM or stop by the help desk in-game. Have fun! :)
  14. Runes are not donation exclusive, they are questable, but the quest guide has not been released. The NPC to begin the quest for Runes is located inside of the Forsaken Castle, named Bard. As for the rest of the steps, I am not sure.
  15. They were likely using Thanatos Card, which you can use Skolls to counter. Thanatos deals damage based on DEF/VIT DEF and one Skoll Card reduces VIT DEF by 50%.
  16. Hello there! :D
  17. @SuPahLastHit - I would recommend just downloading our full installer to avoid any issues.
  18. Solved. :)
  19. Moved to the proper section and solved.
  20. Welcome back! :D
  21. Enenra

    Hotkey Problem

    Unfortunately not, shortcuts are stuck the way they are. I am not familiar with how an Italian keyboard is laid out and I am unable to replicate the issue you are having, but perhaps another GM or player could help you with this.
  22. Emperium Auroras cannot be obtained through questing. They can be obtained through Battle Royale, WoE, or Guild vs Guild.
  23. Hello and welcome to the server, Roxy! Make sure to check out the Getting Started guide for a ton of useful information about the server if you haven't already. If you have any questions or need any help feel free to PM me or another GM or stop by at the help desk. Have fun! :)
  24. Enenra

    Hotkey Problem

    The in-game map is toggled by CTRL + " ` or ~ ", so it sounds like you are either incorrectly inputting the keys or the keys are arranged in a way that makes you press that input when you try to type an '@' symbol.
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