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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by elykarmic

  1. Thanks y'all Guys :))
  2. +1 for you L O C K ~
  3. I've been playing for almost 5 months now but I'm new to the forums. let's also be friends here. Thank you and Godbless :)) By the way. My IGN is - H i z u k a - for sinx and - e L y [EARL] - for sniper. :))
  4. elykarmic

    Price Check

    Price check on vali's destroyer/Bragis Emp either green/purple/orange and sinx cape. thanks and Godbless.
  5. brai. magkano bragis? haha
  6. S>+10 PurpleDeviHP = 650 tokens S>OrigSinCrit = 900 toks or Purple Emp. Or offer. S>Lstrgaunts=15 toks S>Icepick[0] = 15 toks. leave IGN here or pm me - H i z u k a - thanks :)) God bless.
  7. S>OrigSinCrit=1000toks/offer. S>Vali's=850/offer. message me here

  8. elykarmic

    Buying :))

    Buying either Sniper SB or Origsinx Crit. Leave ign and price. Thanks :)).
  9. Price check on Snipe SB and Orig SinxCrit. thanks
  10. Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme. Server up pls.

  11. Selling Blue Rop = 1.4K or leave offers.
  12. Sali ka raids. :)) at guild na nag papa sweldo twing woe. hahaha
  13. Buy and Sell. hahaha.
  14. Price Check On BlueRop , White Emp And Gold Emp. Thnx.
  15. Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme. . . .

  16. Server Up na pls :) Bored.

  17. I'm in Jail. Help pls T_T

    1. Prince_Jester


      hahaha! Gonna be there for couple of hours xD

      What's your case ? :))

  18. 1 2 3 4 Lets Volt in!

    1. AizenPreY024


      Nasasabik sa unang araw ng eskwela ~ :3

  19. Good day Sir. i would like to suggest if you can make a colored yellow vote scarf sir.? please. thank you.
  20. Pissed of because of the lightning, I get dc in the middle of a raid. #apkjealksje;oquw;eoqwe

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