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Princess Sammi

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Princess Sammi

  1. heh my old one will be in the archive! well its been 4 years anyway so i would like to think i have changed just a little :) Here we go : and me getting ready to go out :
  2. Actually getting some revision done while the server is down :')

  3. Yup. Im sure it won't be long now! At least im getting some revision done :')
  4. So i can't sleep... Usually this means farming/questing. Nope the server is down :(! sadtimes

    1. milkypink


      Try eating. :)

    2. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      Well I don't have much in my fridge other than cheese ! I'd rather not have nightmares haha :)

    3. milkypink


      That's a bummer >_<

      Try music then!

  5. Well Genesis himself told me it was an event/quest item... so i was wondering if anyone had it was all so they could tell me how to get it again. I miss mine xD
  6. Missing all the things i used to have. Guess its making me work harder though!

  7. Had one along time ago on the server (not too sure what happened to it) anyways the gist of it is! I want to know how to get one again i've been told that it is an event/quest item but ive been doing alot of searching in both areas and still can't see it anywhere!! Anybody know? Thanks Sammi x
  8. woo callum! :)
  9. Hello again, Im not certain if anyone will remember me! But my name is Sammi, i used to play around 4 years ago i have recently come back to the server and hope to integrate myself once more! My main character is MemoriesOfLight (But i have forgotten the login info for the forums for that name) I'm very friendly and love to chat so if you see me about say hey don't be shy i don't bite (much ;]) This all feels very new to me again so much has changed on this server so any help would also be much appreciated as my character is very outdated haha! Im hope to be in the swing of things again soon! Anyway just a quick hello really !! HELLO!!
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