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Princess Sammi

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Princess Sammi

  1. Hey there guys and welcome to forsakenro :) hope you enjoy it here! If you need any help or would just like a chat im usually sat on the west side of fcity :3!
  2. Helloooo and Welcome :)!!!
  3. Okay so you guys totally rocked this new update :)! So yeah just a new suggestion for when you start the next one! Make all the rucksacks that are available into balloons also :) <3? Also a pikachu balloon.. cause who doesn't love pikachu! Thankyou LuvYaBai <3
  4. Just chillin' on the beach.

  5. This new update is so awesome :3!!!

  6. You guys have done an awesome job! Well done guys you should feel proud :)
  7. Such a beautiful day :3

  8. Welcome CatBug (awesome name) ! If you need any help or just simply a nice chat! Feel free to pop by i sit on the west side of fcity :3!
  9. Hey there and welcome :D! If you need any help just come and ask! I sit on the west side of fcity, or if you would just like a friendly chat pop by take a seat :) <3
  10. Hey /pif :) Nice to meet you :) come chat to me anytime. Usually hanging around west side of fcity :)!
  11. It's in the control panel! :)
  12. So stuck :'(! why is everyone asleep when i need help!

    1. Bishop


      What is it that you need help with Sammi ? :O.

    2. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      it's all sorted now i think! Thankyou anyway bishop!! <3

    3. Bishop
  13. Im so lost right now it isn't even funny. I can't see anything and my eyesight isn't the greatest. I really do need help with this one
  14. If i get another request for a fb game... i might explode....

    1. Hypnosis


      Fucccccccccccck facebook. :)

  15. So i have just took the air ride to Vanahaim, and i am now in vanahaim plains (storyline06). But the guide doesn't tell me what to do at this part or how to get to the statue infront of vanirs palace! I have looked all around this map and i have no idea where i am to go i have seen no npc or anything to suggest the next part of the quest :(
  16. Hey there welcome to forsaken ro :D
  17. ugggh D: need more sleep

    1. sartorius19


      sleep ! xD health is important :3

  18. You can reset it on control panel i believe. Go into control panel, then into my account. Click on the char that is stuck, then there should be reset position there. :)
  19. So i still have the old school forum, even after deleting cookies .__________.

    1. Veracity


      Hi Sammi, this happened to me too. If you go down to the bottom of the screen and click "Change theme", and select 'New ForsakenRO Skin' it should update for you!

    2. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      Cheers veracity <3

  20. +1 Its deffo a much better time for the brits :)! 1am - 2am kills me when i have work the next day :/!
  21. Maidens twin ribbon ? And the possibility of some of the ribbons and cute headgears to be in various colours :D?
  22. Need a gypsy blessed tell me your offers in game or here!
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