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Princess Sammi

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Princess Sammi

  1. Hello and welcome back :)
  2. I believe its called a dress hat now, but yeah i want <3
  3. Hello Dale I'm assuming you were the one who left me a message in my chat box, I live in England where college is not quite the same. However i am studying animal management and hoping to go onto university to further my study with animals but i have no quite decided what to major on yet :)! Thank you for asking though! Hope you're getting on well with forsakenro if you need any help just ask :)! Hopefully you found all the answers you were looking for on the wiki page.
  4. nevermind sorry kayl <3
  5. Okai kayl pm me ingame :D im online <3
  6. Princess Sammi


    Since I've woken up to quite a few messages about my JRage and i can't really remember all the names.... I'm making this post.. So offer on my JRage :]
  7. The Kafra service is 100% success, Its right next to the help desk in forsaken city :)
  8. You have to type it exactly how it is shown in the wiki otherwise it will not work. So it's "Truth and Justice" okay :)?
  9. Tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef that im a vegetarian and i ain't fucking scared of him!~

  10. I love this event it is one of my favourites! However i'm a fairly old ragnarok player and some of the renewal ones i have no clue about i've just never needed to go to those maps. So my suggestion is two guess the monster events 1.Renewal guess the monster 2.Non-Renewal guess the monster. Plus i feel rather than just waiting for the next monster to pop up it would make people go to the new maps and learn the new monsters.
  11. +1 Deffo love the idea of bringing old quest items back for vote
  12. Welcome back :)! Need any help just ask :3
  13. It won't i thought so too, it doesn't really take that long an hour tops.
  14. Hello there i think i played essence ro for a little while :)! But welcome to forsakenro, any problems or questions feel free to chat to me or if you just want a general random conversation im usually sat around forsaken city :)!
  15. I would suggest maybe downloading the all in one :)
  16. Anyone fancy making me a signature x] ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. plok123


      hold my beer xD hahaha

    3. plok123


      just playin' :P

    4. thePast


      Which Kayl are you o.o

      P.s Sammi check inbox :3

  17. Welcome :) if you need help or just fancy a chat don't be afraid to pm me or anything :)
  18. Hello there :)! hope everyone is already making you feel very welcome, they usually do :)! If you wanna chat or ask questions im usually sat around fcity :)
  19. Glad to be out of that hell hole... opps i mean hospital. How are you all anyway ^.^?

    1. sartorius19


      im fine xD good thing u got out of there. what happned?

    2. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      Just the usual my kidneys playing up lol.

    3. Capuccino
  20. False ;/ TPBM likes fairys :3
  21. too much work makes sammi a sad girl...

    1. Dawn


      think about the pay!

    2. Beautiful
    3. gagosila123


      too much work can make you stress :)

  22. They do? Click on View item, its right next to the "add to cart". Unless you mean a picture with somebody's character of course!
  23. Hey there :D Welcome to the forums :3
  24. Hello and Welcome :3
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