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Princess Sammi

Forsaken Elite
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Princess Sammi last won the day on June 16 2014

Princess Sammi had the most liked content!

About Princess Sammi

  • Birthday 03/25/1991

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    XBOX: SupersonicSammi.

    I love to read, preferably fiction.

    Swimming is my sport :)

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Knight (3/10)



  1. Well I've stopped that bit the game is struggling on loading screens ??‍♀️
  2. Princess Sammi


    Soo.... Just trying to reinstall the game onto my pc and im really stumped! I have tried to uninstall and such but to no avail. Any clue on how to fix this issue? TIA Sammi
  3. I do miss this game alot! 

    1. Perishable


      No you don't LOL. 

    2. Princess Sammi
    3. Perishable


      It's not worth it, Sammi. BE A MOM

  4. Sat at college waiting for my tutor so I can have a moan at her. Fun stuff right here..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChainBreak


      just dont moan too loud. people could misinterpret. huehuehue

    3. Princess Sammi
    4. ChainBreak
  5. Sat at college waiting for my tutor so I can have a moan at her. Fun stuff right here..

  6. IGN: MemoriesofLight IGN: Sammii
  7. Its been a while fro... hows everyone doing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. elykarmic
    3. glennexfordz


      good. here there. nc to meet you

    4. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      Yeah not bad guys almost finished college so more time for ro :)

  8. Procrastination is a villain. It has captured me away from assignment work D:

    1. ChainBreak


      Happens...often...all the time .__.

  9. Quest or Donation ?
  10. Sorry for my absence! Been poorly and been to Rome :D

  11. At home resting :) Also gives me the chance to play a little fro :D

  12. Stuck in hospital :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thePast


      get well soon sammi :<

    3. ecboy


      sammi, why i dont spot your char in FRO?

    4. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      thanks guys means alot! am back home now <3 and on fro for once xD

  13. Oh dear the server would be down when i have some freetime x]

    1. Dawn


      should be back up soon enough

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