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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Billyjoe17

  1. Yap.. im talking about guild emblem.
  2. 3 by 3. how to upload?
  3. im work at Unilever.. asst. Engineer
  4. i think much better to go.. +10 bcoz.. some player can't afford thanatos.. more expensive..
  5. and how to convert it in tick?
  6. Welcome.. if u have any question.. Always there [ V I C T O R I A ] and the rest of member.
  7. Billyjoe17


    Hi, what is @noks? (first tymer)
  8. welcome to the server...
  9. welcome to the server
  10. y? there are many screen shot i confuse too..
  11. im first timer in this quest. the map location is active? when i type the location of the map sample for_king 99 158. if i want to warp autotmatically in the 2nd quest. using @warp fcity 179 178. my char is automatic warp to the location i request. no need to find what location of npc?
  12. How much Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano if i sell it on NPC?
  13. baphomet and amon ra
  14. what is the price of? amon ra? baphomet?
  15. Hi GM, Same problem..after bot check no sp no falcon, still waiting for update. :( . every minute or a hour bot check and how to avoid bot check. i suggest 2 or 3 bot check is enough
  16. for GM Forsaken and Forsaken member.. for being friendly and answering,solving my question.
  17. ok thanks...
  18. +1 for warp useable for me..
  19. untouchables.. hahahha epic
  20. ok thanks.. Victoria
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