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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. LOOOOURVEEE the first floral dress and the third one next to the white floral dress! I can see mi self wearing that purdyy dress! :3 <3
  2. Sup, Alec. I can donate for ya if you're interested. Just let me know. ;D Cheers, Laura
  3. nobody likes debbie downer. just stop it. shiz ain't cute yo... #justsayin

    1. Dus


      girl aint cute but she makes a good meme

  4. DUDE...ya needa come back yo! xD
  5. I'm spending a fuckton of money for this cosplay. Currently going to Comic Con cosplaying as Hanje Zoe. :3 Pretty darn excited! Maybe I'll post a photo here once all is completed. :3 Stay tuned!
  6. Life happens, 'mate. :))
  7. Omie, I wanna leave Alyx in my guild. I will, however, be joining ya when you call for arms. So yeah, I'll just join during WoE event. :3 Cheers!
  8. ^ Precisely what he said. As for keeping track of who responds/replies to your post, all you have to do is click "Follow This Topic". The IP.Board will then shoot you an e-mail (which ever you provided here when you signed up for a forum account) letting you know somebody replied/commented on your topic. Please see below: Hope this helps. Cheers, Laura
  9. try and stay away where the wild things play~

    1. gagosila123


      strike whilst the iron is hawt! :D ~(^_^)~

  10. I roll precisely like that, hence, I created Jenova Project. I'm by far a lazy aff in game. I mean you've seen me. LOOL...so yeah I'm pretty sure it'll work out! xD I knew it be cool for Ralph (Soo Woo) or else I won't raid wif him any mo! YA READ THIS RALPH?!!! :th_pif: Haha! Kidding! And I defo love the idea of holding a guild event! I used to back when peeps are online. xD I cleared JP of all inactive members, so there's plenty of spots now once I pull the trigger to reboot recruiting. <3 Cheers, Laura
  11. Our plans (Si and I) are still behind the curtains. I might actually do that...pass the Guild Master status to one of my alts since they're all in JP anyhows. Si, buddy, I need your help on this one. I'll pass the GM status to you then pass it to either Riiver or Laurabear. Probably to Laurabear, but we shall see. :)) I didn't had any chance to clear JP and expel all the inactive members for more than 50 days. I'll try to do this today on my lunch break at work. To my friends online who has alts in Jenova Project, I won't be expelling your alts. I do, however, will limit it to just two sprites now. ;)) I'm starting to like the idea of being "hired guns"/"mercenaries" for guilds that lack members the more I evaluate it. Pretty much I can pull the trigger, but still factoring in some more stuff. Like how much time, dedication, etc. After all, I'm busy irl. So yeah, I guess it's safe to say...tune in for more updates. :3 Cheers, Laura
  12. Well....wait. I mean I don't really mind either. If you use BadCompany/Outkasts...Alyxia can't really join coz she's the GM. D: ...
  13. OHHHH BOYYY...OHHH BOYYY...! xD Thanks, Thai! I'll keep ya in mind 'mate! :D CJ!! Thanks 'mate! <3 Si, Ommie, let's talk more via Skype. I'm making you my sub-GM and giving you the Invite option. I'll be clearing out JP to make room for new potential recruits/mercs or just for people wanting to join us only for WoE purposes then leave afterwards. :) Cheers, Laura
  14. Ray, got two questions for ya 'mate... I have two armors 1 with RSX+Tao and the other GR+Tao. Alyxia's HP atm is 290k on GR+Tao and about 293k-ish on RSX+Tao. Do I really need one more armor with Tao+Tao? I didn't opt-in to use 2x FBH Boots. I have 1 Urd's Earring so far and fixing to get another one. Once I have my Urd's set completed, is it really necessary to have the FBH boots? Cheers, Laura
  15. Hi GMs/Moderators. Could any of you guys pin this topic up top? Thanks in advance. Cheers, Laura
  16. Nah. It's cool! You're welcome. Glad I can help. :)) Ofc, those are the only links I found when I searched for the keywords. Cheers, Laura
  17. Hi Fritz, you can obtain the extra 2k stats from the Forsaken Kafra the way like you're resetting your stats. She will then tell you something a long these lines "HOORAY YOU HAVE EXTRA 2K STAT POINTS!". xD As for the links. Here ya go. Newest to oldest including RayRay's super novice guide. :)) http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26113&hl=%2Bsuper+%2Bbaby+%2Bextra+%2Bstat#entry290598 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25065&hl=%2Bsuper+%2Bbaby+%2Bextra+%2Bstat http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=20659&hl=%2Bsuper+%2Bbaby+%2Bextra+%2Bstat#entry239372 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=17707&hl=%2Bsuper+%2Bbaby+%2Bextra+%2Bstat#entry203004 Hope this helps! Cheers, Laura
  18. OH GOODY! Looks like an awesome plan. Keep me posted! :))
  19. LOOOL! We could do that! I'm down to one item. Once I get it, Alyxia is fully geared. Idk about salaries tho...we'll have to see how it goes first. These people get to be too expensive. LOL... PS: If my guild gets to join WoE...we'll stick to being mercs too. Specially me... xD I'm not about to career this game. Ain't nobody got time fo dat... xDDD
  20. WOOOW. Let's make a deal 20k tokens for everything! XDDDDD LMAOFFFF
  21. Q-Q...so hardddd....imma go with solid food. spontaneous human combustion or sleep walking
  22. "...but her and I are just the same, building bridges out of fame." - Motopony, Wait For Me
  23. FALSE. Over the weekend yes, but right about meow it's back to sweater weather again...Q-Q...so over it! TPBM has an awesome devious plans for this coming weekend.
  24. Granted, but the humans who were transferred were smart enough to build a super weapon to annihilate the dinosaurs. I wish for my wish to be granted. (wait....what??? xD)
  25. Honest Abe Holocust
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