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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. HA! That would be interesting to see our flag there. Lol. I have quite enough tokens to actually go active for WoE with JP...but I'm still kinda meh about it. :p OOps...I guess I got my facts wrong there. I didn't know that they have the same attributes and stuff... D:
  2. Nothing bad happened. I'm just way too busy to run a guild atm.. :( Been playing League..haha! Maybe once when all the original JP members decided to make a come back then (maybe) I'll reboot the recruiting. :) If that happens we can probably capture a castle for WOE. :D Cheers!
  3. If you're OL I can invite you back. JP is inactive so no one is OL at all, but my alt sprites. :)
  4. HMMMM...it depends how you want to use it. I pick LR over ROP, because I like it for fashion. LR is not as buffed as ROP tho. If you want something solid to aid then I'd go for ROP. :)
  5. OMGGG!!!! ROXY-KUN!!! You came back from the dead! How's mother Canada treating you?! And yes, just like what Fritz said. I did a max exodus to remove inactive players. Well Jenova Project is inactive in general. I made another Alyxia (stylized Alyxia.), but my main is currently with Avalanche. I'm currently a rogue roaming around and helping other guilds who needs guns, but mainly with Ava in general. It's lovely to see ya back! Will you be active now? Or just so so? :D Fritz - Cat Ears is 600-700? I believe it is higher for black ones. 700-850? :) Cheers, Laura :))
  6. TRU DAT! I've been scouting for Jormungandr Rage and an Orange Emp for Dus to no avail. >.> If there's a seller...it's ridiculously OP'd. D: ...
  7. IGN: Alyxia IGN: Riiver IGN: Laurabear
  8. Oh. It wasn't a problem for me. I rarely hunt MVP as I'm impatient and stuff. I'm just being informative. Cheers!
  9. Nah. Some bum I met here on FRO that I got closed with. Kidding. XD Okay fine. I'll take it then. :3 Isn't it you have J.Rage? Please let me buy it or borrow...whichever. You know where to reach me anyhows. :3
  10. I could of swore that was you... D: I mean that prof wasn't hitting me or anything either... .-.
  11. Wait wuuut...NO! Not for free! You silly oof! Last I check FCP is 5:1? I swear the economy here... D: Gimme your seeds too (no pun intended)! xD Quinn. is Dustin, my best gaybruhh. We help each other and share equipments. :) <3
  12. Ohh...duur moment on my end Erwin. I keep forgetting that there's a floating rate... D: I agree with your later comment. However, a counter-argument will still arise. There's a guild who's purpose is to hunt MVP and split the profit. This guild is literally organized with "shifts" and stuff. It's crazy...
  13. Cool beans! I'll see what's left in my funds after I pay all my monthly bills and stash some in my savings. <3
  14. How about if the server raise the drop rates? Would it be any better? Just a thought... Cheers, Laura
  15. Defo. xD I'll try to come online later today. How soon do you need this RoP? Can it wait possibly until next week? Cheers! :))
  16. Okeh. I have the pass ready for you. LOL,,,
  17. I can take the 25 seed tix. Just save your 7 tokens. :) Deal?
  18. Which one you use the most berries or seeds? :)
  19. I had a feeling that was you, but didn't say anything. LOOOOL! xD
  20. Hmm...I honestly don't know. Lol. If you have seed tix or (better) FCP tix that'll be lovely. Feel free to offer how many tix you can give me for this. My price for seeds and fcp tix is 5:1, but I'm easy going when it comes to friends like you. :) I also have no clue how much Midas is. :( I'd say 700-800 tokens? Cheers, Laura
  21. still looking to but these stuff loves! PM me aye? <3 http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26032&p=304650

    1. sshinytoyguns


      HAAA..i said BUT...i meant BUY.. :3

    2. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      There should be a like button somewhere... D:

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