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Everything posted by sodapopkern

  1. So correct me if I'm wrong, gloom won't stack if you already have two fbh?
  2. The person above me is a pro.
  3. And people say Champ is the most strongest class :D IMO, Ninjas are the most under-rated class in most RO servers, and ForsakenRO did a great job making them relevant again. I'm a huge fan of Ninja, but sadly I can't play this class yet, because it requires a high variety of skills,intuition and precision. I'm practicing everyday though. There's this one ninja that caught my attention, and I hope someday I'll be able to play like him, 'Remember Me'. Therefore I conclude that I don't agree with these suggestions, sorry xD
  4. Anybody got a list of the mvp cards? Cause I want to know if there is a silver GTB or Maya xD
  5. I miss my nose piercing! :(

  6. And if you reach 12-hours, you'll get 3 tokens! :D
  7. Ohh, no wonder. Thanks guys! Topic solved. :D
  8. Correct me if i'm wrong, afaik this should sell at least about 200,00z? I'm tried reinstalling my client(I'm using the all-in-one), and it still sells for 0z.
  9. Does it work? Majority of the people that I've asked says it doesn't, so I just want to confirm this.
  10. I tried talking to you in-game, but you didn't respond. Maybe you were talking to someone or semi-afk. I hope we can be friends when you come back. (:
  11. This guy knows everything. <3
  12. +1. Tried to hunt TG for the first time before, I got there first, and I half-ed the TG's hp. Then these two over-powered player showed up, killed me, then killed my mob. Majority of the players on tur_dun04 are bunch of assholes. All they can do is kill players who aren't on their level and do the /heh emoticon. They need to get off their high-horse. Sorry I just had to vent.
  13. I find this very funny, i'm sorry xD
  14. True. My mom always give it as a gift on my birthday and christmas too. The person below me is afraid of heights.
  15. That's one of my favorite anime! <3 True! I even watched the movie, the one with the gooey purple guy. The person below me knows how to surf. :3
  16. False. I love cheese, but not cheesecake. The person below me loves japanese food.
  17. True? With my pet cat, does that count? Lol. The person below me loves pizza like I do. :D
  18. The person above me is a very good Bboy. :D
  19. False. Because she likes to kill those cute little pink porings xD The person below me have watched Fushigi Yuugi :3
  20. True. I have, but I like flipflops better. The person below me likes pandas!
  21. Sounds like a fun event!
  22. Thanks alot for the suggestion guys! Such a friendly community. Got my first token, yay!
  23. Ohhh, mkay. Thanks! Uhmm, what's a Seed/Speed Pass? Sorry for asking too many questions, i'm fresh on the server.
  24. I meant on the dungeon map, silly. :D
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