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About Carabao

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    None LOL
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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. What madness is this? XD I dont even know everyone's names anymore. LOL..
  2. Im stiLL pretty sure new threads wiLL stiLL pop up asking for the same things over and over again though. Thanks for the initiative anyway. XD
  3. And it is good to note.. that you can use the Coin converter service on the Forsaken Kafra to store huge amounts of zennies.
  4. If peopLe started reading other threads first before making new threads everytime, it would reaLLy heLp. There's so much more knowLedege in other threads.. more than just "give this build and that"..
  5. weLL Im stiLL pretty much a newbie.. I got a sniper with equips aLL from the item maLL (the one in fcity).. and put cards in it(aLL from easy to kiLL monsters) I went out and farmed for stones of sage, and some cursed seaLs, red/bLue feathers, gift boxes (for dyestuffs)... and aLL of these drop in the same place.. which was pretty convenient.. used a sniper wih the right cards.. got aLL of my start up funds from this.. and this wiLL be at tha_t07 and up.. :) then I got a wizard to farm berries.. just because Im too stingy to pay the entrance fee for seeds.. (and I AFK a Lot).. and when I get bored, I get the same sniper, switch out the cards to kiLL the Acidus mobs in abyss_03.., Looting treasure boxes, @ali 7444.. and each of those seLL for 150k a piece.. or 186k with overcharge if i remember correctLy.. (and aLso Loot the Light granuLes, and vit food from the hydroLancer) this is pretty much how I spend my time on fRO when Im not questing for stuff or AFK.
  6. Oh.. and one thing I forgot to say.. if you're going just normaL attacks.. (not using any sort of kieLs at aLL.) do use vanberk cards.. regardLess if you're crit chance is aLready high.. as some MVP's have a LOT OF LUK.. which makes you miss. having vanberk cards, would give you 5seconds of your attacks NOT MISSING.. sooooo that's a Lot of damage.. :)
  7. time Limit shouLd stay though.. definiteLy.. and if there's even just a smaLL increase in the card drop rate, shouLd increase the entry fee as weLL..
  8. pretty doabLe.. as I do use a sniper for MVP's.. just not going head to head with a champ, obviousLy. XD the usuaL item buiLds are good enough.. the usuaL turtLe gens and abyssmaLs on cards.. are fine with me.. getting something Like 20-25k per normaL attack.. and just Letting it auto attack.. when ping is good, that wouLd be Like 5-8 attacks per second at Least.. I think.. do the math XD (just dont go head to head with champs, and it does just fine) Going Focused arrow strike buiLd is good too.. sometimes you'd miss though, on the high LUK bosses.. but it happens with the normaL attacks too, so it doesnt matter pretty much.. either way is good. :P
  9. Ive had the SP drain and missing faLcon happen to me too..
  10. I see things a LittLe more simpLy than others.. There are other maps to hang out and PvP.. on the pLus side, you can stiLL hang out in there and try to MVP the boss, aLong with the newbies.. which wouLd probabLy end up the geared peopLe being MVP anyway. XD *Ive had my share of ahoLes kiLLing me in tur dun 04.. when I outright said I just wanted to see where it spawns. so, yeah. No probLems here.
  11. And here I was, a 2week newbie, thinking this was common knowLedge. XD (hence me teaching the newbies in my Pub pretty much the same thing.. weLL, pretty much. LOL) Nice of you to bring it up though. :cool03:
  12. just to cLear things up.. which bLades cant be used with which ones? 2 sinxCrit bLades can NOT be used together... what eLse?
  13. LOL. yeah, I noticed this one too.. I hit a huge momb of famiLiars because I was curious. :))
  14. The easier of the Legendary quests wiLL be the GauntLets... then the zodiac/weapon.. so I suggest you do those. aaand go make a drooping hat.. it's nice. :) Im a newbie too. XD (if you reaLLy want to finish the quests easier, make sure you use the right character for the materiaLs you're farming.. generaLLy, a wizard farms best.. but some mats can be farmed easier with other characters.)
  15. Arytie. Now I know. Thanks bud.
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