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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Prince_Jester

  1. Chatting w/ her :P Best Day EVEEEEEEEEER :))) hahaha

  2. I just wanna Suggest that the vote items may somehow got images on it. So some players wouldn't hesitate nor regret what they've purchased from their vote points ^^
  3. Best Guide Ever !!! +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 Thumbs Up mang !! You and Your Lasagna is the BEST ! XD haha
  4. Heya Ann ^^ ahehehe .. Sorry If im so Agre sometimes :P But no offense i never see ur chars :P hahaha.. or it's just I dnt look at every names I encounter on fild :P Hoping to meet you again xD hahah ^^ Thanks for the Complement ^_^
  5. Haii haiist -_- Schools gonna start Next week :3 I'll miss playing 24/7 xD hehe

  6. thanks for this Updates GMs ^^ Thanks for granting our Suggestions ^_^ Happy Anniversary FRo ^^ Long Live ^^
  7. uh huh ? o.O xD haha
  8. I miss talking to this Human being xD hahaha .. Playing Rock Paper and Stone over WeChat =)) ahahha XD :) missing someone :'(

  9. ten* den* den* deeeen* ME !!!
  10. I Saw this Konoha head gears in the quest room, So I wonder If We Could Also Get Luffy's Straw Hat as A quest Item .. Just for Fashion knowing that there's also alot of One Piece Fanatic in this Server :) Please Support Me on this ^_____________^
  11. Go to: www.forsaken-ro.net/cp then Login > My Account > Choose the Character that is Stocked > Reset Position (top part)
  12. What in the World happened -_- I 1st hitted TG w/ @noks active ... but then the champ Still Got the MVP -_- I need Explanations :(

    1. -Si-


      @noks is still a little buggy I assume. It get's buggy with lots of MvPs.

    2. plok123


      doesn't work xD

    3. Prince_Jester
  13. uhhmm ^_^ hahaha
  14. Can Someone please give me a hand about where could I see the Database of WoE and KoE's Emperiums ? .. Thanks A Lot ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Prince_Jester


      thank you so much GM :)

      btw GM, alot of players are experiencing of an error that's whenever they try to go in the site: www.forsaken-ro.net ... they're like redirected into other website, coz it's showing a different outcome -_- why is that ? hmm

    3. Veracity


      What website are they being redirected to? We are in the process of fixing some site issues and updating things, which is why some people may have this issue. It's only temporary and should be resolved soon.

    4. Prince_Jester


      still, forsaken-ro.net GM ..

      but no worries now :)

      I bet everybody read the notice regarding on this issue, so yeah .. It's all good :)

      Thnks GM :)

  15. Why is it that whenever I sign-in here on forum, the theme of the Site returns back to it's previous theme/design .. hmmm (I'm using MacOS as of now) ^^,

    1. Genesis


      You can determine whatever you want it to be, clear your cookies, then login again. After that change it to what you like.

    2. Prince_Jester


      oh I see, c:

      thnks for the reply Genesis ^^,

    3. Princess Sammi

      Princess Sammi

      I've tried deleting my cookies and it still goes back to the old site D;

  16. \m/ I Love the New Look of this site ^^, huehuehue

  17. Like the New Look of this site ^_^ huehuehue

  18. ahem ! ahem ! I've missed alot here, eh? =)) I'm BACK ';..;' huehuehue
  19. the last European WoE, I was tryna' break the emp with my Sniper, but unfortunately "I Failed" =)) (I was Wearing PvP items and yes I was just trippin' out xD hahaha) I wonder If someone could share a Build of theirs =)) Imma' try to figure out this build (with the help of the pro's and Old players in this server, i hope so... xD ) until Someone dares to share nor reveal their builds :3 hehehe ^______^
  20. +1 ^^, Love this Guide xD ahehehe
  21. i mean both xD hahaha Rejection can lead to emotional stress for both parties involved and emotional stress can lead to physical complications such as headaches, ulcers, cancerous tumors, and even death! So for my health and yours, JUST SAY YES!
  22. Ooops ! Sorry :)) LAST ^_^ hahaha =))
  23. hahaha! nice one Lance xd I know some players will disagree on this .. but this helps a lot :) hehehehehe
  24. LoL! Best movie ever: Disaster movie xD jks xD hahaha
  25. Hi ! iGn: (in my siggy) Name: Prince feel free to approach me in-game :) I'll be mean, Promise =))
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