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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by -Si-

  1. -Si-


    Theres the /bm mode which you can use all three keys. The server does not support the new class but it does have some sprites from 3rd class you can use.
  2. Welcome to the server!
  3. Here you go. Hope this helps. Warp: gl_knt01 gl_knt02 Monsters that drop the loot: Raydrics Khalitzburg Autoloot Id: @ali 1004 Resource: RO-Database
  4. -Si-

    Pick Up Lines ;)

    Hi Best thing you can ever say.
  5. -1Not needed.
  6. Hey ann, if you go to you wiki and click on the quest you'll see a quest for a forsaken dungeon pass. Skipp all the way down to the mining part. The wap is located at the bottom of the for fild 01 map. Make sure to get lots of old pick dropped by pitman. Once you enter the mine type /where and find the right location. The location is where the guide says. If you go up not too far the mine npc is to the left.
  7. @Joker Sorry but I disagree with you, I know how OutKasts the player is, and he only KOS those who KOS/Random him, and if you don't like this guild then please refrain from accusing my guild mates of things that are not true. If you have a problem with our guild then please take it up with the GM and refrain from posting hate messages in this topic. Thanks.
  8. Your forum and game account are different. The account you have for the Control Panel is the one to log in to the game. If you havn't registered yet, click on the control panel/voting center on the left and register.
  9. Not all status are cured by the healer and use green potion for silence lol
  10. True to that lol.
  11. justaskpermission Sure you can, our base is at @go 23 just let those who are at base let them know Romans sent you. Joker From their side of the story, they tell me that you were the one randoming them. As from my experience you also hae random me many times. For others, it was more of a duel and as my guild mates were dueling with others, some players decided to gang up on them as well for no reason thinking that our guild was randoming but were not. If one of our mates is being attacked and ganged on, we'll attack those tho attack them UNLESS it was a duel they requested and then we'll leave it be.
  12. Its best to just go max Str AFTER you have collected all your items needed. Then just reset your stats back to normal.
  13. lol you are able to warp to novice map. Ask a high lvl geard player to warp and kill. James you havnt had your sleep eh. Jk.
  14. annSht Sure you can ^^ were located at @go 23 Leave a msg out for the Guild Masters. If none are available then when I am on I'll invite you, hopefully your on too heh. bposte Sure you can as well ^^ just as I said to ann, well be at @go. If you see a guild member of mines let them know Romans sent you. Joker I'm sorry to hear that, I havnt seen it myself so I wont accuse him of any actions, but as I stated in my rules, if they were attacked first they could defend no matter the numbers. We watch out for our guildmates, unless they intend to duel alone. I'll give outkast a talk and see his side of the story.
  15. Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to ask us any questions you have.
  16. Really? Maybe you could ask another player to kill them for you. I would but I am at school at the moment.
  17. Noticing how the topic is set from General Discussion to off topic, I have a small suggestion. I am suggesting adding a Public Discussion Topic and moving the General Discussion title to “Server Discussion” Reason: Off Topics are considered spam, everything and anything. Public Discussion can be more about the serious stuff or things around the world, such as news about stuff, and or topics on things that aren’t spam. Server Discussion is more of topics towards the server. Benefits of this suggestion: Public Discussions won’t have to be stuck with the Off Topic where most random topics are posted. If you need more info feel free to give me feedback. No Flaming, this is just a minor suggestion for the upcoming site changes.
  18. -Si-

    Collin's Shop

    Price of BoS is sells for 5:1 / 4:1
  19. Being a knight will allow you to do quest for legendary weapons, gauntlets, helms, wings and much other quest forsaken provides.
  20. Just as James said but to add to him... +10 Weapons, helps with damage. +0 Armors,Shield,Cloak,Wings,Aura,Boots,Helm +10 Helm [ONLY if you use Seyren Windsor] +10 Boots [ONLY if you use Firelock Soldier]
  21. It depends on what class and who your fighting. My Default if I was a GS would be Bloody Shells + Cursed Water [sHadow] and my secondary would be L. Earth Bullets. If I was a Assassin Cross, I would use Box of Strom.
  22. I find the nicest players are the new comers lol, but yea nice players can also turn bad from time to time. Other Nice Players: Rusty <--- Helpful to me ever since I asked him for help. Twitch- <---Helped many buddies of miens gear up. Elzio <--- Taught me things I never knew about classes. *Lots and Lots of players here*
  23. I see only about three priest in the whole sever alone.
  24. Welcome! Nice signatures. Hope you enjoy your stay here, any questions feel free to ask them hehe.
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