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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by -Si-

  1. hastemyday21, the process of selling/buying items in the web market yes it may be easy and simple, but that it not the issue. The harder complex part of this web market, is the coding, the fixing, making sure no bugs effect the market and so on.
  2. I dont mean make it too cheap lol gradually go down in price
  3. Like an interface where you can log in with your game account and check the auctions for items. Like a big market place so you don't have to be in game to check for BC and can see it online in the market place. fRO Ebay! :D
  4. Pretend to sell things cheap but don't actually sell it. Keep it up and others will see that the prices are lower. If people start to try and sell high they won't get an buyers because they see others selling lower. I have heard peoples conversations and how they tend to just mess with the price.
  5. Knight Set (From Knight Quests) L. Wiz Weapon 4x Kingring Card (Weapon) 2x Agav Card (Armor) 2x Silver Kiels Int Gaunts
  6. Hi! Welcome to FRO ^^ I also have a love with the priest class! If you have any questions feel free to let me know :)
  7. -Si-

    S> Eir's Book

    Eir's Book [800] or trade to High Priest Staff!! Leave me a message or pm: ' A n n i e ` Thanks!
  8. You will have to talk to the theif before you give the king the items.
  9. Routing Issues : Unable to log in, please be patient while techs are currently fixing the issues. Thanks. Those who are online are able to stay. There is an issue with the login connection.
  10. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us! :)
  11. Awesome. Certainly gonna be a strong guild.
  12. -1 sorry but no. Champs are op, snipers are op. It is fine as it is. I've been on this server forever and any more advatage added to a champ will just make them even more powerful.
  13. Sounds like a guild my farmer can join haha. I like your concept.
  14. Ok ok pl0x go back to the front seat >.> cause only cool kids sit in the back :p
  15. Welcome! Hope you continue to enjoy the server. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
  16. -Si-

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but your wish to corrupt someones wish actually made their wish come true and they lived happily ever after. I wish for my wish to have no more loans to not be corrupted and that when granted it shall not have any negative side effects and nor can any forum post as well.
  17. Plox back of the bus!
  18. But I still gotta say...getting a memory book is like 1/200 lol...I've killed so many and haven't even gotten one. An up in percentage won't hurt.
  19. -Si-

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but no one bought it. I wish I could use the @item command
  20. Ah ok, my bad did not do my research lol thanks transgression.
  21. -Si-

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but it only lasted for a second. I wish I can fly like DBZ characters.
  22. I know it's possible :D if you are willing to change the location + kafra to the middle where the Healing Lady is in Payon (by the big tree inside the village). Plus the @go 3 would (in my opinion) make sense to be with the Healing Lady.
  23. I would up the points to 10-15ish vote points and last for 5-10mins in map only, and if changing map, it is disabled. Dosn't sound too bad though.
  24. -Si-

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but you die everytime you enter the castle entrance I wish for world peace.
  25. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here ^^ feel free to ask any questions you have. :)
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