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Everything posted by bigsmoke

  1. They are different, although I don't agree with it. Valk Weapons for different classes are different prices for example, Sinx crit is 900-1000, while LK Halb at the moment is only 750-850 Champ Cape is the cheapest while sometimes Sinx Cape is sold for 2k. They do fluctuate and like any economy prices fall and rise
  2. I agree with Shino, you see players who are not even a week into the game with rings now, it is already so easy. It is meant to have some difficulty, if you implement this suggestion someone could farm a ring in like 2 or 3 hours.
  3. yup
  4. Thanks Bombin u da man^^ edit: ASAP so the GM's see it before Friday
  5. Update, the same person is at the same amount of deaths that he was at with 75 kills, except now he has 145 kills. Losing faith here
  6. [This isn't a ticket, I'm not trying to report anyone] So this is my first week laddering, and I've had to compete against people getting fed kills, it's not even different characters, one person got literally 100 kills to get in third place from the same character. A little ridiculous don't you think? I've tried @request for GM to look into it but apparently they dont see those. Very unfair to those who have to spend countless time in the PVP room waiting for people to come. I will continue to try to get screenshots but it is hard to try to screenie both names before one backslides or warps...
  7. All wrong, as a Sniper, I can tell you that kiels increase ds spam, and 4 kiels is absolutely the same thing as 3 kiels
  8. sigh... bump
  9. Yeah, the reason that this worked in server's like DarkRO, was because there were no Fallen Bishop cards or Kiel D-01 cards. I loved the custom lhz cards in DarkRO but even I have to agree that here it would be too overpowering. But I do like the idea of introducing more cards so I say come up with a medium solution, I think all the other custom cards on DarkRO could be implemented with this...
  10. Ruber is dropped by Seyren Windsor, so I would advise against buying it, it's very easy to hunt.
  11. Yeah I mean that would be cool for Champs, because according to what I read the only thing stopping the Champ's from using RoP at the moment is the sprites... But I'd also like for other classes to be able to use it as well.
  12. PM me in game... 2 Chainz
  13. Buying all of the following Tao [55] ea GR [3] ea King Armor [90] ea King Cloak [90] ea F. Soldier [200] Gold Imperial Helm [3.2k]
  15. Buying Gold Imperial Helm Buying Gold fragments if you have 10+ Post offers or leave IGN.
  16. -LK Halb -1 Loki -Skull Aura -Str Belts Post offers
  17. bigsmoke

    B> Fsoldier

    I'll pm you Flex
  18. Lol @ the Batman quote
  19. Red RoP= 1~1.3 Red/Black Sacreds- 500~750 Last Red Emp. sold for 16 or 17k
  20. bigsmoke

    B> Fsoldier

    Post offers, no OP please.
  21. 2885
  22. Tested, 4 kiels still don't stack. -1
  23. I'm currently doing this right now... been waiting 20 mins so far. Best of luck hope you got it
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