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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by plok123

  1. There's problem regarding the L.Dex sword for sinX. It's currently bugged making it reduce your hp up 50%. I have already reported this but still no update. :) I advice you to go dual dagger on sinx or Critical.. :)
  2. Yes yes mads, koe is gooood :D
  3. The Man of Steel/Usui- ;)
  4. -1 :) dude, shut up.
  5. I don't have problems with it too, but it does cause huge lags for other players. I have no idea how, but +1.
  6. +1 on the warping out after killing and the interval. I also agree on reducing the fee but not on the increasing the drop rate. :) the economy here is weird, the more demand on items, the higher the prices go. XD but I don't know really xD don't hate. :P
  7. Yeah, so if it's possible to give more time for the event, then that would be great. :D High hp + not every breaker know about the changes on the Emperium and players pvping just doesn't help.. XD
  8. Bounty huh. Lol Reymart.. XD <3
  9. If I was you, I'd keep my tokens rather than trading them off for zeny when you're just starting.. :) the newbie guide shows 2 items (I think) you can sell for zenny, which I did when I started. And other alternatives pointed out by other players already. It's really not that difficult to farm for zeny, you just need time. :)
  10. +1 on hard delay. They're untouchable coz they can spam their skills :) but I do not find them OP, I killed a couple using my sinx, but it was hard, you just can't hit them.. XD and to this Kanoski guy, who the heck are you? you don't state a valid argument that can prove your point and you are classified as one of those people on the internet that talks a lot of trash, boast and claim to have superior mind/skill because it's in the 'internet'. You absolutely have no idea regarding on who are the players that you have started an argument here in the forums, you could at least show some respect as it's clear that when it comes to playing this game they are better than you and have been on this server since it started.
  11. Yep, the GM team are working on something to make farming a little bit easier :)
  12. You mad bro? This is stupid.. -_- our def isn't really that good to start with xD
  13. Nothing wrong with Champs now.. :) -1 on this.
  14. Better use SinX blessed rather than cursed if you're going crit :), and what chainbreak said about the headgear, that's better :) and using ring of resonance (blue ifrit ring) is really good especially when going full on head to head with other players :)
  15. B L A C K
  16. For who shall last commenteth in thy post, will be thy cutesteth xD
  17. Waddup! :)
  18. This does not belong here.. XD and it's better to sell them in-game.. :)
  19. Prices keep changing. Economy keeps changing. If the economy gets better (hopefully) when prices start to drop due to change in demand or just keeps rising, then you're gonna have to update this from time to time.. XD
  20. Stack, if you look at it in a realistic point of view, it's like when you put boxes on top of each other. in game, it's when the effects of cards go together and be as one xD and im not sure if 2 card works, but 1 is enough, better use the other slot for something more useful :)
  21. All in one is gooood :)
  22. I don't think there's any problem with the all in one. what seems to be going on with yours?
  23. Mining sucks xD but yeah, get 99999999999 old pick, then enter! xD
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