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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hypnosis

  1. No one said that, You just need to practice on champ or something. Maybe that class just isn't for you, but that class already has a high damage output as it is. I see people spamming asura stupid fast so I'm against this to be honest. Just practice and hopefully you get better, Just because people don't give you what you want doesn't mean you should give up.
  2. How High
  3. Tarot is fine. That skill is already total bullshit, The last thing it needs is upgrades. And honestly I don't agree with this because I see stalker using a bow and shield, like the rest of us. So, just wear a GTB like the rest of us. -1
  4. That's a bit much to do, naw? No need to be rude, Noireth. >.>
  5. So practice. +1, I'm sure we have a bunch of people who know how to use photoshop on here.
  6. Lol! I -1 this, all I have to tell you is Don't trust anyone, period.
  7. All Elements. Converters & Enchanted Bullets
  8. I be that guy you love to hate.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Prince_Jester


      Heya ^^, Nice to see you here in Forums ^^, hehe

    3. Hypnosis
    4. Prince_Jester


      hehe c:

      Have a Great Day bro ^^,

  9. L.Katar has better Stats then the F.katar, The only good thing about F.katar is the -5 and that's not even good. You dont need 3 kiels. I could get a decent spam with 2 silvers, 2 kiel, & 2 expert ring. That's the fastest spam you'll be able to do. If you're already geared or planning on donating. It's just 3 kiels, 1 Kitty claw & that's the best spam you can get.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C88xH-JSoq8
  11. That would be awesome, Lol.
  12. I appreciate your input and you make a very valid point. I didn't truly understand what you meant until I re-read a few times, and you are correct. But to be honest in all my personal experiences I've fought with ninjas they fight til they end up getting hit or are cornered, They rely on their skills like most classes is what I'm trying to say. You do make a good point, though.
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