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Forsaken Council
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About ramonjordan

  • Birthday 03/20/1992

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  • Location
    Reading, Pa
  • Interests
    basketball,Baseball,reading, ecchi mangas,music,tv,<br />ask me for more information<br />

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Guardian (5/10)



  1. Rip chris always in our hearts
  2. Just a moment of your time is all i ask for my good friend drax http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/free-ma-nigga-cole/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. coffee break
    3. Genesis


      No. He was warned multiple times. The server isn't his, it is mine. He needs to obey the rules like everyone else.

    4. Veracity


      He was banned for continuously breaking rules, broadcasting a link to an inappropriate website as well as botting. That's just the beginning.

  3. oh man look at that sexy pally in the corner whats that guys name
  4. damn where was i when this happened i could use a new mouse
  5. if i die its lagg
  6. yeah whatever happened to Lms, ND Lms and Tlms miss those events.
  7. Frogger lol loved that game
  8. Lol mike that was mwssed up old school tv's before everone had a flat screen
  9. whoopee cushions
  10. so i heard i died lol

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