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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Shino

  1. I just replied to that ticket now. I am waiting for your explanation.
  2. This belongs in a ticket, no need to post a thread for it..
  3. Yes, I agree to that. The previous suggestion about the book was disabling certain skills from the Star Gladiator tree, that is why most of the GM team didn't agree on it.
  4. I will take it upon myself to add/remove some information when I see fit. 1. Stat wise, i never put 300 to a stat. It just lowers so many stuff along the way. 2. Adjustment buff is more useful than increase accuracy. Why not use that as well? 3.having 3 kiels + forsaken soldier card is essential as a gunslinger. also, using 2x gemini cards means you lose your kiels/silver kiels in a fight. NOT RECOMMENDED TO LOSE any cast reduction at any given point. 4. Never settle for one set of armor. 5. AFK Hat is awesome as a lower headgear. 6. Bullets: in all honesty, you probably will only need one bullet. I usually use just the legendary earth bullets since NO ONE will have a resist armor against it, but having an extra one will be nice. 7. +0 or + 10 armor. Having it +10 is a waste. Everyone is on Incantation samurai card which ignores defense OR is using thana. the +10 is wasted OR just helps them have more damage. Just upgrade to +10 the weapon and if a card needs your gear to be +10 8. Having SinX card will help you a lot, but since you said it is for beginners then I can see why you left it off. But it would be nice to mention it. Now we have those things sorted out, I will add some more tips for people who wants to use GS. 1. Some people add INT to get around 400-500 SP. That is good in my opinion since 500 sp means that you cast 10 Desperado before your sp runs out. that saves a few seeds. 2. Use Stat foods and Aloevera to get provoke for better damage. 3. Shino's General rule on STR for weight.- at least get enough weight to carry 200 seeds. You cannot always rely on your storage to get some more. All in All, it was a good basic guide. Thank you for your effort on trying to help the new guys :)
  5. Isn't it that Bishop originally suggested to just put the incantation samurai card and phreeoni card effect on the weapon itself so that one dispel doesn't ruin the class?
  6. It's not that hard to do taekwon mission in this server. Add the fact that the top 10 worked hard for it and you are suggesting to just wipe it. So, I don't agree with this suggestion.
  7. Moved to Strategy Guides :)
  8. I encourage Old members of our community to try and help the newbies by making class guides. Thank you :)

  9. At least Knight set(from the Knight quest), and Legendary Gun (From the legendary quest). Guides for it are all found in the wiki. The Legendary gun is essential as it allows you to wear a shield(All legendary weapons are one handed except the sinx Katar). For cards here is a rough guide for it(assuming you have the Knight Set and Legendary Gun Helm= 2x Kiel Card Mid- any aura you can get(zodiac, fallen ghost, flower, emperium etc)- Kiel lower- any slotted lower headgear. you need 2, one with maya purple, the other with forsaken soldier card. Weapon- Incantation samurai, 2x Turtle General Card, Skeleton worker or Valk randgris Armor- gr tao boots- 2x fbh cloak- 1x Sinx Card 1x skoll OR 1x sinx card 1x hollowring OR 2x Skolls, 2x raydrics. Shield- get around three, cards are usakoring, gtb and maya Acc- quest the legendary gauntlets, get 2x dex gauntlets.
  10. HI there :) Regarding Gunslingers. DEX is the most important stat for it(attack damage increase, aspd increase). I won't advice going full dex though(making base dex 300). around 260-280 should do well. add AGI until you get 195 aspd. STR is a must have for you to be able to carry supplies, I think around 80 base STR would do, or until you can carry 200 seeds at least. Add VIT to get around 200-220k hp with one tao gunka card. INT is the last stat you might need. Some people add a few stat points here since Desperado uses up a lot of SP and you will be using 2x FBH cards in your shoes so your sp would be around 300 wtih no INT added. getting around 400-500 sp would be good. My advice is to play around with the stats. some people don't need much sp so they don't put INT. others have less DEX and put more VIT. It really depends on the player. Also.. This advice is wrong. It seems to come from someone who haven't played this server.
  11. I will be out for the day because, well, it is Valentines :). Be good guys :)

  12. Happy Valentines Day <3

  13. I believe that is with a shield but the star glad has a hatred on the class sinx. He would've done more if the sinx don't have a shield.
  14. Hi and welcome to our beloved server :) If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me, or post a thread in the General Discussions. :)
  15. ForsakenRO GM Team :p Kidding aside, this kind of topics normally spark flame wars. So please guys, let's keep our heads cool alright? Keep it civilized :P
  16. I would have to disagree with the suggestion. For one thing, you can donate for MVP cards. If we reduce the drop rate to 1%, people that can donate will overprice everything and people who can't donate will not be able to get MVP cards. Add that some people already have the cards in storage,so they have a bigger advantage when they sell it. the @warp command is,as Bishop mentioned, already a staple in highrates.
  17. Welcome to our beloved server :) I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :D
  18. As the topic starter admitted that the issue is solved. I will now close the topic :)
  19. Welcome to our beloved server :) Feel free to ask me about anything :D
  20. Hi :) Welcome to our beloved server. I hope you have a great time here :D Feel free to ask me if you have any questions regarding anything. :3
  21. I haven't seen you guys online much :'( or are you already stalking me Scarlet? O_O
  22. I've hidden the inappropriate reply. No need for it. Please stick to the topic and please make it civilized. There is no reason to reply in a hostile way.
  23. Please file a ticket regarding it through the Ticket System. In doing so, please provide any information you can about the account.
  24. Please file a ticket for it, I think Genesis can change your forum name :)
  25. Welcome back :)
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