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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Capuccino

  1. friends! Treasure them! classic or modern
  2. Message Genesis in one of his contacts. AIMrosefox305 [email protected] Website URLhttp://forsaken-ro.net Yahoojorgeluisf350 Skypejorgeluisf350
  3. Shingeki No Kyojin <3
  4. 7 etokens
  5. Im confused. o.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Capuccino


      ^-^ Solved case.

    3. Ochibi


      Wahh nuuu I didn't save you yet <3

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Yush u did, somehow u did but idk how :3

  6. Typhoon Santi, you make my Exam days extended. :( #Sembroke

  7. Jelly ace or lolipop? - Jelly Ace <3

    1. Ochibi


      Jelly stuff :3 . Like Jelly ace and Jelly beans . So Jelly mmhm XD

    2. thePast
    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Hmmmmmm =3=;;;.....how about a jelly lollipop :D

  8. Curly hair for super mario ^0^

    1. Ochibi


      Super Mario ? The Italian plumber , Mexican look like and came from Japan ? xD

    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Mhm he can jump, hit blocks with his head and not get a concussion, also loves shrooms :D

  9. Just double click the item. Then, it will recall you at the place where you are suppose to farm berries or seeds.
  10. Reset your position via Control panel.
  11. ^-^ well done! NPC: Helper <3
  12. Im on my limit. ~Sleeps (tired)

  13. Memory book should be non slotted.
  14. The reason behind is only trans classes allow to wear these valkyries. There isn't a way to make all babies wear them due to job level restrictions.
  15. Make a suggestion for that matter. :)
  16. There are some valkyrie items that only applicable to equiped by the baby classes. This isnt a bug.
  17. It means that the item drops from the castle on payon.
  18. Headache. Overload Brain. x.x

    1. ScarletDevilmoon


      Stay away from hw D: it's the only cure

    2. sartorius19
  19. Primary: Marble; Secondary: Strawberry; Pattern: Sharp. Share your style. :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Capuccino


      NO! Strawberry is red.

    3. Prince_Jester


      ok :(

      Secondary: Slate .. capuccino made me change it T_T

    4. Prince_Jester
  20. Hello! Feel free to drop by at the help desk if you have questions and needing assistance. I'm willing to assist you. Have fun ^-^
  21. Hiya! Welcome to the server. Feel free to drop by at the help desk. Have fun~ ^-^
  22. Hello Rabbit :) Welcome to the server
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