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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nao-chann

  1. so many people can do that and can do this -_-
  2. i thought all of the name have chan here is japanese too err but not well nice pic la.... .ho
  3. pray do u speak english ^^ joke pray... amen..??? =3
  4. try then -_-
  5. .ho thx ANWay
  6. use teleportation then ^^ no delay juz use it but dont abuse it Lolo .ho
  7. better then its top 5 not top 1 -_-
  8. why..?? its natural to pray why do u pray ^^ joke well juz praying... ^^
  9. AWESOME SIG is really rock..... 10/10 now..!!! exellent....
  11. @wizardy we know juz our opinion ^^ i already send mine im juz w8 and praying ^^
  12. @devil AGREED....!!!!!
  13. granted but u get a great white shark and eat you ^^ i wish i could pass some appli..
  14. nao-chann

    This or that

    cute is better ... warner bors. or disney corp.
  15. nao-chann

    This or that

    super man...... loptop or desktop
  16. nao-chann

    This or that

    transexual... ultraman or mask rider
  17. hehehe but its nice event u dont like it .. sorry to double post
  18. nao-chann

    This or that

    baphomet then... boy or girl
  19. nao-chann

    This or that

    cookie cake is so diabetic then ^^ prontera or forsaken town..
  20. granted bur GOD corrupted you instead ur wish ^^ i wish i have many friends good friends ^^
  21. ok then... ^^
  22. well gonryun for me is the best map..coz he had a wonderful map and beautiful music ^^ well im always AFK in that map or when im sad or alone that all... and its remind me my sad memories all my memoriez *teardrops* that hte way i like the gonryun very much heres the link.. http://newlich.imeem.com/music/1yINEFRL/ra...ot_so_far_away/ picture. hey wat a luckytime ^^ i dont expect that GMsublime and some people theres ^^ but its ok to me juz i take some srennie have fun in FRO...
  23. nao-chann


    nice 9/10
  24. YUI...!!
  25. @damascus legit = legal so i think that pic isnt legit anymore coz u very disapoint in that pic la.. ^^ @genesis watever thx anyway...
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