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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nao-chann

  1. Nice ok mine again.... *The Reminder* A girl that like playing Piano(let say a japanese girl then)she like listening to the music song juz a part of music... he always w8ting for her love too,startign to play soem game into internet and heard some beautiful song...wonderful song..that remind in her memoris...."NOT SO FAR AWAY"she played 100x in her school and get some trophy (playing pianoh while crying o.o)
  2. BTW if someone doesnt like my post JUZ CLOSED this THREADS then .swt.. i thought this is gonna be ok and no problem but i dont expected some people there with BLAHBLAH wanna START FLAME errr nvm then.... -_- have fun..
  3. ~hera~ dont double post then =3
  4. erghhh Im not under 13 LA... Lol if i cant get Remind me then... What r u mean Bye Nao..???
  5. okay heres mine: One Day theres a boy that so desperate in girl(not so desperate),he always thinking how and when he will see here dream girl. and he always thinking how can he have a girlfriend,and he dont want a ugly one he want a cute one(not so cute)after then.. in a place of gonryun some lady(ride on a BIKE)and he wear school cloth(look's like a student)drops her bag and the boy wondering. who own the bag,and he think the bag is in the girl...so he run and follow the girl like 50meter away from her destination... he shout like "hey ms.!!!!"boy said.Then The girl stop look like looking for something,and he turn around and see the boy running through with her and the gboy said "hey is this ur bag" girl answer "oh Thank you.. that my bug sorry for that "boy said "its ok its alright"...like in JAPANESE girl said"OO SUMIMASEN HONTONI SUMIMASEN"boys said"AAA IYA IYA IYO KONDO KYOTSUKETE YO" then the boy amze wat he did and he fell her dream boy is gonna close in her location........ end... ehhe true story but have some little fake ^^
  6. no its doesnt.. TERMINUS dont start a flame its my topic and influence also...i wanna share the fun in this guild not in ur guild juz wanna share the pic the victoriuse we did i dont want ur FLAME juz make an opinion then... and i dont want to make a big problem about ur guild juz i wanna share my LIFE in FRO not starting in FLAME .. -_-
  7. â„¢YUI â„¢Marron 5 â„¢Avril Lavigne â„¢Aqua Timez â„¢Fall out boys â„¢JOJO â„¢ET-KING and many more... P.S some band here is japanese sorry ^^
  8. ohh...i though we will tell a real story then i will think now..
  9. real life or juz a story..??
  10. Agreed,Some people exited about the 2 new GM...
  11. granted but people avoid ur hair ... i wish i can do nice sig @damaskus wonder if i see ur hair then -_-
  12. Yeah i know .. Actually some character there doesnt work in game.... But im hoping people like it ...$%#!@#
  13. vista is so overed security program^^
  14. Lol ^^ do you ^^
  15. Well we got the EMP in LAst 2min err NICE JOB^^ here some pic....
  16. he can do this like 2 account in window ^^
  17. granted i but u cant eat eat cost its a fake chocolate =3 i wish i can take some cute hair
  18. u can but its hard to pm you
  19. granted but u do some bad thing so u suspended and resign in gm staff... i wish i can understand english well .ho
  20. making an event -_- and support like TEST GAME MASTER like study to be GM.... kindah like that.. minimal power like [GM]sublime do...
  21. its say 2 GM means a random one.... 2people not 2 people in diferent country >.< genesis do this for the time zone coz many asian and europian didnt know the time zone here so... if there a gm in there same country they gonna know then...
  22. Lol dont change the topic Genesis will be angry Lol ^^
  23. huh like u know the future my future already..??? ^^
  24. huh lif in RED colour o.o
  25. errr PRAY is not a person is PRAYING..... .swt
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