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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by El7

  1. Oh that's a skill of a monster just type /effect and the effect will be gone. Wait the Red eye in the right of your screen to removed then type /effect to turn your effects on again.
  2. Yes it's 1 handed weapon so you can use shield too.
  3. TPAM is one of my loyal guild member.
  4. Minigame token is worth 7 E.toks each.
  5. El7

    The Story Game

    But El edited it again.. Usui and Victoria sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage! then El published the song and everybody saw the song in youtube.com and the song earn 100 billion views.
  6. El7

    The Story Game

    but El edited the song.. Lock and Usui sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage!
  7. Oh i see... Hmm well since your just just starting if you can buy F.bow like 10 tok for starter but it's more better if you can earn tokens fast and buy L.bow. FAS is a skill that crits so you need high Luk to reduce it's damage or try my experimental full range reducts. It's in my guide.
  8. Somehow i agree to this. I can't release my full potential because of the delay and yes we need nice ping for champ but how? You want us to migrate near the server just to have nice ping? More better to remove the delay so everybody can spam fast just like the others. Champ is all about speed. Even if you have high damage if your spam is very slow then it's useless.
  9. El7

    The Story Game

    They realize that the El person whom they are talking about is not El. El was just sleeping then he woke up and asura Usui, Victoria, Lock and Milky then El throw them away outside of the world that no one ever seen them ever again. 100 years later....
  10. By the way i just edited my guide and put DS build too there. And as carabao said you can learn something in other treads that will help your game play. Here's the link of my guide. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24356 Hope it helps.
  11. Welcome to the server.
  12. 2xpouring cards in cloak (not necessary to default this cards) , 3xTG+inca/skel in weapon others are default. 290-300 dex 50-70 str aspd 195 agi rest vit
  13. It is ''now''. You should check it.
  14. I drink plenty of water while i farm to avoid head sickness etc.
  15. We already have many topics for this.
  16. If you're fast on farming you can earn 20 tokens in farming seeds in an hour.
  17. Fraps is a program that can video capture.
  18. Farm seeds in the renter and sell it.
  19. It would be nicer if you fraps it.....
  20. TPAM is jealous to the person above him.
  21. El7

    The Story Game

    They don't know Victoria was so creative so she made the goo, goo shake and she share it to usui and both of them drink it...
  22. Knockback effect is disabled in woe. Maybe what you saw is a ninja leaping around but i dunno if leaping is enabled in woe but i think it is enabled.
  23. TPAM is inside the heart of his love.
  24. TPAM loves pink hair.
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