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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by AizenPreY024

  1. thanks ^^
  2. Back theeen I was with OneSizeFitsAll now i newb hahaha welcome back mee will be super active again xD
  3. Sorry about the image still learning how to post stuffs again. I think that was the case. Thank you for pointing that out.
  4. Gonna start from the beginning again. :th_e30: Hope we get along! :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok:
  5. Still have the same problem. "unexpected end of archive". I will try to download torrent if it still doesn't work, I would probably get a copy of fRO in computer shops near my home. Thank you for the reply GM :)
  6. When I finished downloading All-in-one.v4.5 It says "invalid data" and when I downloaded fRO Manualv4.5 it can't be extracted because of the error. I did everything still can't install the game. PLEASE HELP
  7. Escort in Ms. Pageant :)
  8. 3059
  9. Granted! But I took it from you :P I wish I am a cute baby again :3
  10. yey! and usui got it all.
  11. I miss y'all :D
  12. friend please :D
  13. Nope. Never heard of it. But ill watch it. xD TPBM loves the song Bulls in the Bronx :D
  14. Romance. Token or Gem?
  15. haha NO back view el. :(
  16. LOL. Me too ill buy it in tokens.
  17. 3057
  18. suddenly Usui- came and break Emp JB's HARDCORE. Like 2sec. tops. The end was shattered then...
  19. Nope. Im only 16 =) ill be 17 in June 16, 2013 :D TPBM is new.
  20. Granted! But Its only a dream xD I wish to be a TROUBLEMAKER :D
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