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Forsaken Elder
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About sarduarkar

  • Birthday 09/15/1982

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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. You should come back, sir. =\

  2. happy bday come back soon bro

  3. Happy Birthday Sardy~ Missing ya >; <3

  4. Hey, Missing ya. Our B-day's are coming up too....heh! X3

  5. Happy Birthday! P.S. Shipped you a male chip n' dale. Should have me by Friday.
  6. Hope what I said didn't come across wrong. I don't mean in any way to demean those champs who had thana. Crono, Arcanum, Limit, Vortex, etc... I've fought them on numerous occasions, and they are all very skilled. They swap well, adapt fast, and are solid players. Just saying, the thana nerf doesn't necessarily kill the class and might be warranted for now, until maybe other classes can get the same kinda beefing or something along those lines.
  7. My 2 cents, not that it matters. I'm going with the side that thana nerf is okay (at least for now), no offense to my many friends who are supporting the other side. Although it takes out one available dynamic to the class, in terms of "balance," it's just simply more reasonable at the moment. 1. Saying that thana nerf ruins the class just doesn't make sense in light of the fact that 95-99% of the populace doesn't even have thana to begin with. It's like saying the rest of the server can never effectively pvp on champ, period (because they could never use it to begin with). Side rebuttal: [i kinda get Pete's argument of "only 3 champs can be called good", and in looking at those cases, there are no more "good" champs anymore cause of nerf? (hope im not misunderstanding). It's basically saying, "yea, 99% of the server DOESN'T pvp effectively" in response to above. But such a statement also implies that thana is a considerable reason why you guys are at the top if you look at it the other way around (which also argues for the other side). Personally, I know that's not true. You guys are skilled for many more reasons than just that. My belief is that you guys could easily remain at the top of the champ class even without thana.] 2. I don't think people are being too wrong when they talk about one shotting. Someone who can effectively switch between thana TSS, full asura, and coma can slice through people like butter. Champs are the only class with a reliable one hit kill (even against people in GR). Every other class could thana you, and force you into skolls, yet not monopolize on the fact that you aren't in immunes anymore. Sure AD and sacrifice can do a little more damage, but if the opponent has GR, they can still survive. Against a champ, if you can't be in full reduction, it just means you lost instantly. Champs have so many skills going for them (SNAP in and away from combat easily, root denies melee coma so you can stay in usakoring, a great ranged skill and a dangerous one hit damage nuke, pps, etc). 3. I do enjoy the deadly battles against arcanum, crono, limitless and other skilled, thana-using, champs. I feel pvp would be more challenging, fast paced, and more complex if we could have more classes deadly like this. Less battles where both have to just milk berries till one runs out, the better (more dynamics = less boring). But the fact of the matter is, at the moment, there is only one class that benefits this greatly from one card. My posts are always too long. I don't expect anyone to read. =P
  8. sarduarkar


    <3 And sorry, Tick. Escape is > than me. I know you guys will own it up without me.
  9. 1.Guild Leader's name. Sarduarkar 2. Guild Name. FairyTail 3. Description of your guild. Just here to have fun. 4. How old is your guild. Five months
  10. sarduarkar


    Finals are pretty much over. Have a little more time to play.
  11. It would help the economy because Hrist would purchase it.... all the time. *jokes* Part 1: Supply and Demand - There is a good supply of MVP cards, Tickets, etc. sold from players - There is a good market for MVP cards, Tickets, etc bought by players This equals good economic pricing on those items (balance between the two parties, trying to make/save money; stable pricing) - competition compels the prices lower, greed compels the prices higher = equilibrium at a reasonable price Part 2: Money in the Economy - People are earning coupons faster than they are spending coupons as a population in general (more coupons out of thin air via events/gvg/donators versus outlets via NPCs and/or dispersion to new players) *** This equals more people with a greater number of coupons in their pockets Fact: more people are able and willing to pay in the thousands of coupons for an item in high demand than before When something in low supply is being sold, MORE people now have deeper pockets to drive the prices of those items up (thana used to be sold for 1k; now is being sold for 3k+). [This does not effect items in plenty of supply because competitors keep the prices in check. Why pay 50 for a kiel when you know there is someone who can sell it to you for 35 (even though you have more coupons than before to purchase it)] Part 3: The goal of my whole suggestion - Trying to keep the value of the coupon from dropping too low. The value of donating decreases with the decline of the coupon value. 100$ for 1400 coupons now isnt worth as much as 1400 coupons back then. At the moment, it's not bad. But if the trend gets much more significant, 1400 may not be worth much in the future. If people begin bidding 5k on stuff - 500$ for a thana or woe item plox (in essence)? It's not trying to get people to donate any more than before, but rather trying to keep the value of the donation coupon consistent / in check.
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