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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Lilith~

  1. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  2. boxing. squid
  3. knew it! *o* and true ^^ TPBM drives like a maniac.
  4. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  5. love it!! and.. 50-50.. TBPM rubbed a bald guy's head today
  6. Holy Revelation
  7. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  8. yes! <3 TPBM sings in the shower
  9. I use to be *gets flashbacks of burning pancakes and filling the house with smoke that we had to get out of the house to air it out qwq* :th_wah: But now im actually decent at cooking :th_ok: TPBM played with Barbie dolls.
  10. pad telescope
  11. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  12. get a gypsy and a clown together and use the skill classical pluck?
  13. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  14. HELLO! :th_meow: new GM?
  15. :th_gg: THEY'RE MINE ALL MINE :th_gg:
  16. Rylynn :th_wow:
  17. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  18. Granted. Then you had a tracheal rupture while singing on stage causing permanent damage which abruptly ended your career. (At last this one didn't end in death :3) I wish I can create anything out of thin air :D
  19. Norse Mythology epistaxis
  20. Haro kayl!! :th_meow:
  21. oh lol yeah it's bass's bday today too :th_meow: LOL all in moderation :th_gawi:
  22. Haro!! thank you Faiz!! :th_no1:
  23. BLANKIE!! :th_wow:
  24. Lilith~

    One Word Story

  25. haroo Fritz :D and what's with the "q-q"? its a good thing dw :D
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