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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. coma effect...
  2. no... but you can donate for a sinx cape then you can take the ring quest afterwards.
  3. theres 2 type of pvp priest... 1 is holy light priest and the other 1 is battle priest.. so which 1 you like best?
  4. strike eagle looks cool however eirs books is better coz it has coma effect. if you still wanna use the strike eagle better have LOD card on it for coma. strip cards especially the d.war is also useful. battle priest dosnt only rely on asura but also on coma/tarrot card of fate"from blue ifrit ring"...battle priest is fun to play. good job for posting a guide for it... XD
  5. lol....nice 1... a guild of trolls..! what guild is this? :p
  6. my newyears resolution is to eat mooorreee!!! to get rid of this ribs... huehuehue! im so skinny! D:
  7. it would be cool...!
  8. this one will be cool... newbies wont have hardtime on obtaining their vote kingsets and other stuffs.. <3
  9. how about your ping? is it ok?
  10. perhaps there will be sweetie.. GMs loves to surprise us players so stay tuned.... :3
  11. nice name... i hope you can endure every challenge here in game. well.. enjoy your stay and welcome to fro.
  12. this guide is no longer helpful bro. GM vera and others nerf silver kiels not to be compatible with 2 kiels. if you still wanna play this class view my GS starter guide. i put all the details you need right there.
  13. yeah theres alot to be fixed for this class... no wonder no one plays this class... hope GM will do something about it.
  14. GM nerf our class not because we are OP, actually we are easily to be countered even we have fast spam rate. they nerfed us because of a freaking reason that we coz lag during WoE "which is totally nonsense"... now even theres less GS playing during woe, it is still lag especially during last minute.. GMs thought that nerfing us GS will solve the problem, but the problem is... they dont fix it at all.. they just simply destroy a beautiful class and just make it inferior compare to others especially vs champs. theres nothing we can do bro, we already lost it... all we have to do is adjust... or go extinct.. the choice is up to you, either you stubbornly continue to play GS like me or simply change your class into sniper or clown.
  15. welcome... <3
  16. no... steal only works on stealing wooden heart.. but im afraid not on elastic band.
  17. ni hao ma...! XD yooni, gua ai ni... <3
  18. this box is heavy and doesnt add much on damage... D: better use aloevera for more damage boost.
  19. you can find wooden golem at um_fild04... hint: use bow stalker for fast farming or wooden heart coz of steal.
  20. yeah... thats why i automatically throw away the bowman scroll coz it coz me error and i have no choice but to delete my character and make again. another update may fix this problem.
  21. wizards, prof, magic users etc... works their best on a group fight. thats why they are excellent at woe,gvg,and BR and also raid... these classes find a lil hardtime on 1on1 coz they are not made for solo battles. however you can modify these characters to be flexible in any situaton. ill give you names of good wizards i know where can you ask guides etc.. Heha Gurkak Mr. Yoso
  22. sniper or any range char... warp after killing 1 cecil so that you wont spend so much berries or seeds..
  23. lol plok... join us at go 11.. you are soo welcome!
  24. aw... why so cheap now? D:
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