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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. » Pat

    Mix Belts B.

    Weight; 800. Change them. Seriously. There isn't just one build that might need them. I even thought of just dropping them.
  2. » Pat

    Sun & Moon Aura's

    One way to fuck up a server: Give them something nice & take it away again. See Thana TSS.
  3. Heyhey. Nothing much. How about you? & I miss you too. ):

  4. » Pat

    GM Trivia

    Oh god, yea, that was sooo fun. xD;
  5. Oh that's awesome, but can't you see an exmple of the font before you download it or do I just not see it? ._.;
  6. Who the hell is Ivy... o__o; & yea I just noticed the face looks a bit weird. & I just can't find pretty fonts. I just suck at finding them. ;____; & I didn't use any textures. :<
  7. Discuss. ;_;
  8. » Pat

    GM Trivia

    I just have to post this. xD;
  9. » Pat

    GM Trivia

    True, as far as I know, before I became Tro, the account was used by Themistotecles or Tattoo. Not sure, though.
  10. This is a bit green-ish. Try to keep it pastel.
  11. » Pat

    GM Trivia

  12. www.google.com
  13. Oh... Lol. Try saving them as .png, .gif or even .bmp next time. QQ & They both seem a bit... idk... me no liek.
  14. Is it me or do I see .jpg fragments? o_o
  15. Shouldn't the orange be pink... ( RGB 255, 0, 255 )? Did you make sure to change the layer to indicated? onvm you solved it.
  16. Hi. :D. I know the golden valk looked horrible but changing tan to gold & keeping it in RO-colors is seriously hard. :<

  18. dat comment maed mi cum.

  19. Ohhh sucks. ):

    & yea I know right? :D. It's so awesome. ^______^

  20. Oh now I know what you meant. However, miek's right. :<
  21. Huh? o_o
  22. HA. I got it. Finally. Me > Columbo. Whekekekekekekekekeekekekkeke. I'm so awesome at revealing things. Did I already mention WHEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEEK? If not, WHEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEEKimsoawesum.
  23. I'm staring so far. /slur No need for drama tho. ):
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