All of them are. To my knowledge, we have 3 programmers. Genesis, Zeitgeist & Sensation. I don't know about Relinquish but most porbably he's also coding things for the server.
To whoever would have to code this: my sincerest condolences. Maths.</////////////3
& I think the order shouldn't matter. Finding 6 numbers in a particular order would equal a winning-chance of 1 in 15.54 million.
I don't think fixing Coma/WS/Tarot whatsoever would be as hard as fixing Basilica. By changing Basilica, you'd have to completely change the way the skill works. Changing Coma/WS/Tarot would only require to change one or two parameters.
To the argument that the current coma chances are 'official': This is a custom server. kthxbai
I completely agree. Even though I like sinx not being able to instantly coma you, and even though I don't play a coma-chance relying character, I would love to see it back. WS chances are way too low as well. Hell even Tarot breaking chances have been toned down which are supposed to break at 100%. They now break at ...1%? suxxx. fixpls.