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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. 1k's a bit much for me, I guess.Go down to like ... 100z? D:

    Maybe you lied to me about your worth. >_>

    Hm I'll try selling you for 1 Jellopy. :>

  2. » Pat

    This or that

    Both. :> Cake or Ice Cream? :3~
  3. » Pat

    Join my campaign

    *cough*sotrue*cough* Ever tried going melee against a Pally as Magic Class? :< Try it. It's not that funny. :< *Slaps himself* Don't fall back into that GTB discussion! I'm sorry. D:
  4. Sorry Zack, I have to disappoint you but... Nobody wanted to buy you yet. :< Seems like 1 Coupon is a little too much? :< Should I sell you cheaper? :<

  5. Remy's so awesome. n____________n
  6. Do it now and change it. :>
  7. OhMiGawd I have tons of silly pics. o.o; ______________________________ _______________________________ And hundrets more. :>
  8. OhMiGawd, That's the first 10/10 I've ever gotten. :> Thank you very much Devil. (:
  9. » Pat

    Hi there.

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay and the awesome customized features this server offers you! (:
  10. Hm I got bored. What do you think about it? :<
  11. » Pat

    Crack. :<

    Bump. ):
  12. 6,5/10 The colours of that megaman, or whatever it is, don't really fit each other. :< Could you cange the colour balance of the BG a bit please? Like a little more blueish. And Versace is right, the font really isn't that great. :/ But the rest looks nice. :>
  13. » Pat

    hi i am arus

    Welcome to ForsakenRo. Enjoy your stay. (:
  14. » Pat


    Not nice to hear you are leaving. Even if you will be back. :< So hope to see ya' soon and HF&GL with your school. :>
  15. » Pat

    Crack. :<

    Haii. I've got a little problem. Since my PS3 Test Version just ran out of free usage time, I'm pretty depressed, considering I just got into it. :< I know posting Crack/Serial Codes is forbidden so, might somebody be so kind and PM me a CrackCode for it ? :> Oh and, Yes I know how to use google. I just couldn't find anything. :< A Crack for Cinema4D would also be nice but is not necessary. I really hope somebody can help me. :> Yay I finally got it to work without Serial! :> Thanks anyways. :>
  16. Oh Noes, I see SB Sinx, EDP'd, SL'd and with that new skill buffed, coming. :<
  17. Versace, I just frikkin' love all of your work and so this one. /awsm /awsm 10/10. :>
  18. » Pat

    Happy Birthday.

    Happy Birthday to y'all. :> To you as well Diabolo. :>
  19. Get outta' my mind you witch! D: Nah j/k :>
  20. Indeed, unfortunately they're not possible to spawn. But it would be nice if someone would change the Skill Script to make it possible. (:
  21. » Pat


    Goooosh I know what you mean D: Anyways, Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online! Enjoy your stay and vote every 12 hours if you can (:
  22. Interested in 1 Tao as well. PM ~>xBlueberryx<~ or http://Blueberry.php Edit: The Url is the name of my char I just can't write it that way that the forum doesn't show it as a link D:
  23. Mommy didn't ever hug me. D:<
  24. I think you misunderstood me, I mean the shining border of the font.
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