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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. Thankz. :]
  2. Like that? :<
  3. Yes she does. ): Yes, she is. ):
  4. Np. :>
  5. She seems to be scared. o.o; I bet you just ran to some girl you saw and made a pic without even saying Hi. /heh Well that's what she looks like. n__n; Nah j/k. (: Considering you are new, Welcome to ForsakenRo. (:
  6. Well here we go. Large image. :<
  7. Shhure.
  8. Want a tut? :>
  9. I know I was too lazy to search around for a nice font. n___n; I need new ones. :< And I was thinking about not adding borders, as well, but I didn't like it without any borders. :<
  10. » Pat

    Heyo :o

    Well Hi Kevin, have fun and enjoy this awesome server. As Relinquish said, you won't experience any corruption or imbalancement over here. If you have any questions feel free to ask them. (:
  11. Welcome, oh and awesome tutorial. (:
  12. Did you think about PMing him? There's no need to open a new topic for something like this. :<
  13. Rate / Crit? :>
  14. Physical Rating C Mental Rating B Expirience Rating F Emotional Rating F Total Survival Rank A o.ô
  15. » Pat


    C4D is kind'a hard to use I even phail at making abstract renders. u___u; Omzg that's so awesome. x_x
  16. » Pat

    Crit/Rate Kirby

    That's nice. (: 9/10, you should darken the eye/mouth part a bit because it looks like they don't belong to the Body of Kirby. But after all nice sig. =D
  17. » Pat

    This or that

    Sleep. This is what I'm going to do right now. :> Good Night. :> Oh Chips or French Fries? :>
  18. Spamming is a nice way to show you are not interested in something but next time I'd suggest you just to stfu. :> In case that referred to the quiz, Hi. (:
  19. » Pat

    This or that

    PS. Cheese or Ham? :>
  20. No Speakers FTW. D:
  21. I get until lvl 6 n_n I'm stuck there. D:
  22. » Pat

    Join my campaign

    1. Okay I'm sorry for the mistake to treat you like a SB Build user but my opinion remains the same no matter it's you using the build or whoever. 2. You think you know that 'I don't know anything of a Build'? How well do we know each other?
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