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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. Welcome to ForsakenRO! Enjoy your stay. :]
  2. Well here is my entry. :] Yah. It's pink... again. :[ Stock; http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg154/B...bug_robot-1.jpg
  3. I will, probably.
  4. It's 4 people. 100 / 4 = 25. :[.
  5. So I assume you are going to fund this. Last SOTW's prize has still not been given out. Q_Q
  6. » Pat

    Discussion on PVP

    LOL YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. Ontopic; I have to copletely concur with Levis. If you want to keep your free will and your right to kill whom ever you want to kill, also let others have their will to kill whom ever and whenever they want. That's just fair.
  7. Not really. o_o; TPBM smells. :[
  8. Roar. :> It could just need a little damage-formula-re-calculation.
  9. Sex. Pure sex.
  10. Some very nice ideas but also some VERY hard failures. :]
  12. It looks really nice if you just didn't make it all blue. Q_Q
  13. Omg Ami, I love it. There's just one part I don't really like, which is the big blue area at the left side. It could need a little pimpin'. ;] Apart from that, super-mega-awesome-incredibleness. :]
  14. Everybody get this HO to hatch!
  15. OMG 4 LEFT. Q_Q
  16. You can get as many as you wish ( and they're all REALLY good ). :> Just 10 moar levels. Q_Q
  17. Wow, that's awesome! :]
  18. Oh... yea... why didn't I think of that... Oh because I fail at higher programming. Q_Q Visual Basic.NET (Well the new 2008 version) doesn't really help.
  19. Banned for not repairing them. q____q
  20. -cough-....
  21. Banned for liking it. Q_Q Oh& no speakers at work. q____q
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