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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. That's the worst crap I've ever heard. o_o Who the hell listens to such music? o_o Therefore; banned.
  2. » Pat


    Or just go PD like everybody else here on PerfectDodgeRO.
  3. Clicking the 'Feed pl0x?' button to feed the egg so it can hatch. Jerry will smeckes you up if you do. <3
  4. Jerry will take time for each of you. :> He's flexible. In every meaning. ;]
  5. How the hell did you guys get these stocks?! >_> I searched the whole net and couldn't find anything! I went to google's page nr. 45, searched all stock sites, deviantART etc. but didn't find anything. ;_; Ami; could you please post that stock / send it to me per MSN / cake / email me? ;_;
  6. However you want him to. :> & yay it's already level 18! We can do that! :>
  7. Banned for not feeding my egg. :[ Feed me pl0x?
  8. » Pat


    It also makes being a FS priest fun. ;]
  9. Yesyesyes! We'll win! >:D
  10. itamz or goodbye-secks for you. :>
  11. You can't feed it that often. Q_Q That's why I said use proxies. They change your IP or proxy or eat your PC, I don't know but they work. Maybe. Don't feel intimidated of my IT knowledge. </sarcasm> yey dumbness. ^_____________^ Oh& It's google.
  12. Oh you don't? Well there's some super nice site, that explains everything in very detail. It's seriously nice, you should try it. :]
  13. itamz plz. That was directed to both of you. :] nosrsly. Good bye! I hope you can visit us sometimes. :[
  14. Prologue Together as a community, we can bring new life to this world. We can be an example of how humantiy has to work together to improve the living standard of us all. And we can inherit our knowledge to further generations! You can be part of a new life. Having this said; you all should know what's to do when I say; Feed pl0x? . Help us. We need you. We love you. Jerry will smecks you up if you feed it. . . Level 50 will be hard but we can do it. . Together. . . . . Remember the part about Jerry.
  15. » Pat


    You'll never play Champ... :[
  16. ^ Beth Ditto? & USE A PROXY AND FEED IT AGAIN. IT HAS TO GROW. ilu2.<3 :]
  17. » Pat


    Did you forget who you're talking to? o_o;
  18. Not possible, sicne the person above me is Carmen Electra. Feed pl0x? /ho.
  19. » Pat


    Just go str whoring full asura champ. One click will be enough. Either he/she dies or you both die by reflect. :>
  20. yey! :D To stay on topic; Kittie, you rock.<3
  21. » Pat


    Have you had your cup of win today? It doesn't seem so. :[ We all need win. Get some. It's good for your health! :]
  22. I really like this one. Just bring a little more coulor difference into it and it'd be perfect. Hot.<3 Oh& I almost forgot Feed pl0x? xD
  23. ^J Lo? :> Feed pl0x?
  24. » Pat


    It didn't change. That's still the description of when the test-run of 40% was made. Feed pl0x?
  25. » Pat


    I know I stole it. Q_Q But mine's a Flyff plushie. :> Feed pl0x? Feed it! >_>
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