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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. » Pat


    LOL the sig I'm using is just fun. I finished my new one a few seconds ago, I'll make a topic in a minute. (; And I'd suggest you to use Photoshop instead of GIMP. PS just has way more things you can do and it's way more common for tutorials. So try getting PS. ;D Oh& Stocks are photos you are starting with or which you use while making your Sig. Check out the topic I'll be posting in a second and you'll get what I mean. (;
  2. » Pat


    No problem, I'm always glad to help people. (: & There are sooo many ways to do things. You should try smudging or using different stocks, etc. (:
  3. LOL...
  4. » Pat


    Well I really like the typography. It looks very harmonic. The only thing I don't really like, is the BG. You just see that it's just some brushes on the same opacity. The BG of this one is quite nice. Its only flaw is the font! It looks like Comic Sans (BAH. WEALLHATECOMICSANS). This one is my favorite. The font and background look so amazing even though they're so simple. The only thing you should do, is make the background transparent instead of white. If you don't know how to do that, just click 'Transparent' ( Fig. 1 ) when creating a new document or make a new layer and delete the background layer. (: Fig. 1
  5. Zackunub. q_q Now we have two winners again. q_q Should've wait a little longer. ;_; Anyways; IGN; Blueberry v1.0 Let's see what happens this time. :rolleyes:
  6. I've seen it some time ago, it wasn't very good but it was something to lol about. I remember when that little girl was like, 'Hm, should I buy the ribbon or the gas mask...'.
  7. » Pat


    & for your second question, Snipers & Champs are probably the best classes to MvP. Sniper -> very far range; Champ -> very high damage. SL's are nice for PvM but they don't work out that well against MvPs (Skill spamming not very effective).
  8. Happy birthday jorge. (:
  9. LOLFAIL. (worksnow<3)
  10. Omgcool. (: Wishing you luck with Dan&your life&family&whatsoever. (: We'll stay in touch anyways. (;
  11. Rofl, +1. Anyways; good luck to everyone! (:
  12. Thank you all very much. :)
  13. yesplz. Anyways; I'm off to bed! Get on topic again. ;D
  14. "Remember this, Pandora's box released chaos. The gods saw the dispair her actions caused so they released one last item with the others so mankind could bear to go on, the gift of hope. 'Til next time." I liek this one.
  15. Shure but it might take a while due to my business caused by school + work. Q_Q
  16. REMINDS. HELL. Some easy things never get into my head. But thanks for the grammar check. (:
  17. Thanks. :]
  18. Oh this reminds me of something. Well in our city, there was a huge event going on, no idea why or what is was but it was huge. It happened in a very big hall and there were all our friends plus around ~1000 people. Me and a friend, Kyra, went there, together. So during the evening, we both got kind of drunk (Too much champagne Q_Q). We looked at the stage and there were two vocalists. A woman and a guy. First, we went close to the stage, and started dancing. Then we got even closer to the stage, starting to sing. We ended up, standing right on the stage, alone with both singers, stealing their micros, singing 'Unbreak my heart'. When the song was over, it was all quite in the whole hall. Everybody was staring at us and the female vocalist approached us, giving us a huge red plush heart, that had the text 'I love you' written on it, saying, 'Oh god, you two are sooo sweeeeet!'. Then everybody started applauding. No that's not all. After they stopped, we tried to get off the stage and guess what happened? BAM. There we lied. Right on the dance floor. Next thing I remember is waking up in my bed. xD Champagne. Don't drink to much champagne. Seriously. Don't do it.
  19. "Once a whore, you're nothing more."
  21. A; Ouch. That hurted. ;____; B; Which HO said that? >_>
  22. You just voted for me out of pity, right? Q_Q Look at the useless, uncreative guy called pat. I bet they laugh about me, behind my back. D;
  23. I should stop participating, every time. ;_____;
  24. I don't think so. ;_; Oh& my vote goes to zack; because I like the smudging. He's the only one that actually put work into the background. If just the patchworks had a little less opacity. ;D
  25. Lul, already? Q_Q And didn't we say we'd post the voting in another section the next time? ;D
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