why is the HP of ninja is to low???? i got Tao Gunka + 200 vit but still i got only 150k HP...
how many % does Tao Gunka in Ninja......
and why is that Tyrs Shuriken has only 15% hp boost while those other weapon has 20%
i think ninjas need more HP to withstand an asura...
i read the form in suggestion i think that they gonna make the gunslinger elite gun 1 handed that means this:
Tengu Mask and Necromancer Hood Effects:
All Stats + 10
[ Gunslinger ]
Max HP + 20% Mdef + 20 Dex + 20
[ + Forsaken Gunslinger Pistols ]
Receive 40% less damage from Demihumans.
+frigg King shield
-25% Damage
+ usakoring Card
total Wall defense
when is the implementation of the tao effect.. is it already in the game? the 80% for stalker
ill think ill go back to being stalker or create a gunner.... having bard/gypsy and gunslinger and stalker more hp boost.. means my assassin gonna be weaker than ever..
SiN -X only got 30% Vs 80 or 90% is still huge hp and they are long range ^.^
GM genesis is 90 % of effect of tao gunca in GunSlinger :biggrin:
Tengu Mask and Necromancer Hood Effects:
All Stats + 10
[ Gunslinger ]
Max HP + 20% Mdef + 20 Dex + 20
[ + Forsaken Gunslinger Pistols ]
Receive 40% less damage from Demihumans.
+frigg King shield
-25% Damage
+ usakoring Card
i dunno im just a newbie but i like to be a gunslinger if i have this items heheeheeh
Modified card.... what are you saying [Gm] Seraphine 60% for stalker and 30% for paladin... im confused plzz until totally solved
look at this http://forsaken-ro.net/wiki/index.php/Cards
i think [GM]Veracity just make a few mistake in adding the % he/she told me that instead of adding 50% he/she inputed 100 but he/she fixed it up but i check it and all my chars that i saying is getting 30% hp i computed it.... all in my char...
[GM]Veracity i tried the tao gunka again i got this effect
i tried it on Assasin cross, High Wiz, champion, paladin, stalker and got 30% HP on all of them...
should i do extract it... i think ill pass the error is gone now.. ill just do it if the error is back... i dunno why i get those error and disappear after...
i think the tao gunka card should be now even on all class coz of the new weapons.... it suck knowing rogue and hunter class only gets 30% HP and the others get 60%......
i think the tao gunka card should be even on all class... coz of the effect of the weapon of the other not long range type class....
i think it should be 50% all class to be even.... many new forsaken weapon added %hp on the melee type and boosting also the long range skill.... and i thnk the thor hammer 50%hp increase is to much for the merchant class....