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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by kayl21

  1. Happy New Year Everyone :(

  2. Okay Thanks :D
  3. why Piamette,Cornus didnt drop the Santa List and Little GIrl's Doll?
  4. 1844
  5. kayl21

    Selling Stuffs!

    sold all just Black Mythical Flame left so you OFFER :D
  6. kayl21

    Selling Stuffs!

    OFFER Here ~ :)
  7. kayl21

    Selling Stuffs!

    S>Black Mythical Flame S>Legendary Champ Knuckle S> 2 Str Gauntlets S>Legendary Sacred Golden Wings S>Berry Tickets S>Real Purple Zodiac
  8. kayl21

    S>Some Equips

    OFFER here :D
  9. Welcome :)
  10. kayl21

    S>Some Equips

    S>Leafring Rucksack S>Real Purple Zodiac Aurora S>Legendary Sacred Golden Wings S>Berry Tickets S>EDP Tickets Leave OFFER or PM ME INGAME B a c k To Z e r o
  11. OFFER :)
  12. Legendary Weapon Quest is BUG? T_T

    1. Leo `D

      Leo `D

      on Which part is it?

    2. naimareim


      i cant proceed to second part although i bring all 7 books that required,

  13. Yuno_fild03
  14. where can i find Dawn Essence?
  15. what time/date till the event of The Great Rufako will end?

  16. what's the time respawning of Lost Dragon when after being killed?

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