Nice idea, but it has to be on the same Day, because like 2h before to take the Non Donation & then the Donation ones, should be funny all with other Chars.
I got a question I missed some WoE and did you turned on the PvP at prt_gld? If not that's my wish, I hate if people stand outside and wait. I wanna kill them outside too to defend the Castle too.
Man, whole Forum are conflicting about the GTB. My Solution is the GTB still make's immunity to all effects, but it block all magic Attacks by 50%. The Players who want old GTb and the people who play Magic Classes get a chance to Block btw to Attack people with their Skills.
I am writing this because you can use the Skill in Event's like Dice, LMS and bring your housband back to the Event. I hope this will be disabled. Thank you.