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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Levis

  1. Levis

    Euro 2008

    WTF I live in Germany and I don't want them to win it. I am for Turkey vs Russia to come to the Final. The Turkey Flagg looks similar to the tunisian one and they are muslims too. Google it xD And Russia because they owned Netehrlands very hard.
  2. What do you mean exactly with the winenr get the WoE Map? You mean the winner of the Poll?
  3. Of course damascus is in right I agree totaly. If it would happened to me I would trade the Coupons back, because it's meanie and we all know what he normally mean, I know too that he doesn't said exactly which Hat, he just said he want your Hat.
  4. Rush Hour (1-3) All Will Smith Movies Spiderman (*cough*) All Sylvester Stallone Movies The rest I forgot.xD
  5. Levis


    Good for Paint. 10/10
  6. bump
  7. Levis


    T_T lol what do you want to show us? You mean the chicken with Moo? If that you mean that it's lol.
  8. I need: 1x Forsaken King Armor 2x Forsaken King Cloak PM me ingame. IGN: Levis
  9. You should trade it back, if that really happened, you had to tell him that's a Party Hat. I guess you will get punished.
  10. Levis

    Gaia says Hello.

    Hello, welcome here.
  11. Levis

    Im new Here.

    Lol, new? Then welcome here and enjoy your stay.
  12. PM me for Str Belts. Just a good offer interest me.
  13. Beautiful.
  14. Levis

    Zelda Series

    Lol, I got a Zelda edition in my Handy.
  15. S> Angeling Wings offer me ingame or sent a pm in forum.
  16. Cool. Your getting better in it.
  17. Levis


    Welcome here and enjoy your stay.
  18. Good, but the font is difficult to read, just a bit. That's because the Black at the right side.
  19. Levis


    Welcome here enjoy your stay.
  20. This server is fadiny much dramas, community is fading etc. This isn't the fault from Genesis it's just us.
  21. Man voted for Rap, but I like Rap and Hip Hop and a bit R'n'B.
  22. Levis

    I'm back!

    Welcome back here dude. Some nice duels will wait for you.
  23. I don't know.^^
  24. Agree.
  25. Nope TPBM hates me.
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