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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Levis

  1. Lol, I would use another like...hmm...Levis Pet. That Pet can used as a Bodyguard in LMS/WoE/GvG/MvP.
  2. Levis

    Ami made it.

    Nice one.
  3. Levis

    WoE Ideas.

    Nice idea, but it has to be on the same Day, because like 2h before to take the Non Donation & then the Donation ones, should be funny all with other Chars.
  4. Levis

    WoE Ideas.

    I got a question I missed some WoE and did you turned on the PvP at prt_gld? If not that's my wish, I hate if people stand outside and wait. I wanna kill them outside too to defend the Castle too.
  5. Levis

    Anime Freaks

    Yes, it does.
  6. Uhm...ehm... That remember me to the Beauty Event on PoKeMoN of Maike or how you say to that Girl with Ash.
  7. Levis


    Welcome here and have fun.
  8. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Saki, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!!!
  9. Agree with Zeit, I wouldn't change my FK Helm or NYH for a Poopoo Hat just to kill High Wizard's or any other.
  10. Just Happy Birthday I don't talk your language. Ngsasalita german.
  11. True or False sounds good.
  12. Man, whole Forum are conflicting about the GTB. My Solution is the GTB still make's immunity to all effects, but it block all magic Attacks by 50%. The Players who want old GTb and the people who play Magic Classes get a chance to Block btw to Attack people with their Skills.
  13. Let me guess, school? Yea, I still go to school.^^
  14. Yea, we love you too, but don't you listed just your friends?^^ & Lol.
  15. Lol, I thought your not anymore playing, how can you KoS someone??^^ I hope you will come back soon. >GS without Pat is = Nothing anymore.
  16. Lol!
  17. Navy CIS, numb3rs, One Piece, Code Geass, Ragnarok Anime, Deathnote, Naruto, Fate/Stay Night etc.^^
  18. Levis

    Hello everyone.

    Welcome to fRo and have fun here.
  19. Perfect 10/10. Very good.
  20. Levis

    Anime Freaks

    There is a new Anime called: Code Geass. Go and watch it.
  21. Levis

    A Last Favour...

    Goodbye, I will miss you so much and Sasha too. Very sadly.
  22. EuRO -> RebirthRO -> PulseRO -> StaRO -> fRO
  23. Levis


    Welcome here.
  24. Levis


    We want it back. KTHXBAI.
  25. I am writing this because you can use the Skill in Event's like Dice, LMS and bring your housband back to the Event. I hope this will be disabled. Thank you.
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