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Everything posted by slacterinc

  1. yeah this is wht i mean..btw its hard to merger with other guild since all want take the drops for themselves.
  2. When its HP this big, the biggest Guild with many defender sure cn win.That bring to better eco. This will make the small guild to disband due tue unable to breaking in woe. Bt if it is,the player should join a better guild in woe that cn def and break rather than join guild for depending on last minutes atk..
  3. slacterinc

    Prof Guide

    any suggestion guys??
  4. hummm i think...the modifier only come from card,add % damage comes from emp aura or weapn is nt included i think...coz many item got add % to demihuman like ROP,valkyrie weapn also...if this also included, why did GM make the effect on these items??..didnt its just wasted?
  5. Then how about TG?...how does it calculate coz tg card give 20% to all enemies so it mean it deal 20% to angel also bt when using 2fbh...it doesnt calculate on angel properties ardy...or the TG damage% is apply to other modifier than angel and holy...for example size modifier.. and wht is example of specific and special modifier??
  6. I was thinking give me your 5 top class in PvP room only...nt in For_fild...in Pvp we cn see the real pvp.nt like in fild...so,give me your 5 top list
  7. yeap...when he cnt win he rue call his babysitter to help him...then called ppl noob...bt when come 1 vs 1 to me..he sure run or warp or root to escape....that is the way noob he is...when he cn pawn ppl..he will continusly pawn him/her...bt when come he cnt..he will run like a dog...=.='' he even cnt win against me once 1 vs 1...
  8. bt how to counter champ with pupetring then??..im sure ur FAS wil be slowed coz fsolder is needed....
  9. Can GM return back Fsolder drop back at castle?...its hard without the card...and all the price goin OP..
  10. im always looking to duel with Champ.... /gg the ranks for me is 1) Switchblade 2) Ferth 3) Kimblee 4) Higlight to me this is the mostly champ i encounter when is FRo...the the mostly hard to deal with...bt of course got some i havent encounter yet some like 1) Dragon FUry 2) Random Player 3) Independence bt to me they are awesome player with great spamming /gg...hope dnt bully me in for fild...huehue~
  11. im suggeting if GM cn make something so the warper player wont get away after hit another player(mostly pvp in dungeon)....so im suggesting like this...after u hitting a player,it will take a few second for u cn warp away( like 2 or 3 sec) so the warper player wont get away after hitting another player...huehue~.. gg
  12. I think it better with the restriction of these sure be fine...
  13. Im suggesting if GM will open MVP room in this server....This is bcause,with the a lot incoming new player....the card MVP is not sufficient for the player in this sever. In result making ppl over price(OP) the card or items...If open the MVP room suggest it mcp card drops to 5% though...
  14. im having trouble with this quest bcoz i cnt make the helm even after im ardy finised with the droping medusa...cn someone help me??
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